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研究生(外文):Chin-Min Wang
論文名稱(外文):Design of an Automatic Measurement andReporting System With Application to the Stability Testing of a DC-DC Converter
指導教授(外文):Sheng-Dong Xu
口試委員(外文):Sheng-Dong Xu
外文關鍵詞:Automatic Measurement SystemLabVIEWDC-DC converter
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本論文係採用美商國家儀器(National Instruments)所開發之LabVIEW軟體程式,設計自動化填報系統,並應用於直流電源轉換器之穩定度測試。
以往之設計介面常以DLL檔驅動電子儀器與設備,並搭配序列結構(Sequence Structure)與事件結構(Event Structure);而本研究設計之介面係使用虛擬儀器軟體架構 (VISA)驅動儀器,程式主要架構係使用主從模式(Master & Slave)為主,其餘則使用事件結構(Event Structure)、狀態機(State Machine) 與佇列 (Queue)進行程式撰寫,並且搭配GPIB界面與硬體儀器作為溝通介面。其次,本論文設計包含13種自動化測試項目,並建立其自動產出報告項目,其中有:輸出電壓漣波(Ripple)量測、暫態響應特性(Transient)量測、電晶體波形量測(Drain, Source, Gate waveform of mosFET)、切換頻率量測(Switching Frequency)、相位量測(Jitter)、開機過衝幅度與關機欠衝測試(Overshoot at Turn on and Undershoot at Turn off)、開機與關機電壓時序測試(Turn on/off sequence)、轉換效率量測(Efficiency)、多相位電流平衡量測(Current Balance in Multi-Phase)、過電流保護量試(Over Current Protection, OCP)、輸出負載短路保護量測 (Short Circuit Protection, SCP)、輸出過電壓量測 (Over Voltage Protection, OVP)和欠電壓保護量測(Under Voltage Protection, UVP)。
By using LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench), this thesis designs an automatic measurement and reporting system and applies it to the stability testing of a DC-DC converter.
Generally, in the earlier design, the DLL file is used to drive electronic devices with Sequence Structure and Event Structure. However, in our studying, the Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (VISA) is use to drive the equipment and devices. The main structure of this software is based on Master & Slave mode. It also uses the Event Structure, State Machine, and Queue to program the software. Moreover, the hardware equipment and devices are connected to each other through GPIB as their interface. The design of this thesis include 13 different automatic testing items, and all of the reports can be generated automatically. The designed testing items include: Ripple, Transient, Drain, Source, Gate waveform of MOSFET, Switching Frequency, Jitter, Overshoot at Turn on and Undershoot at Turn off, Turn on/off sequence, Efficiency, Current Balance in Multi-Phase, Over Current Protection (OCP), Short Circuit Protection (SCP), Over Voltage Protection (OVP), and Under Voltage Protection (UVP).
Through this auto-test and auto-report-generating system, and with the proper design targets of DC-DC converter, the accuracy and stability of the converter will be revealed by the extremely fast and highly efficient design. With the friendly and intuitive LabVIEW interface environment, and based on different demands, the users are not only able to operate easily but also able to program easily. This auto-test system will greatly improve the working efficiency by greatly reducing the human test and human report generating time.
摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 論文內容概述 3
第二章 自動化量測與直流電源轉換器簡介 4
2.1 前言 4
2.2 自動化量測簡介 4
2.3 常見之直流電源轉換器簡介 8
第三章 直覺式可編輯自動量測與填報系統 14
3.1 前言 14
3.2 自動化量測系統開發之軟硬體及程式架構 15
3.3 直覺式可編輯之自動量測填報系統使用者操作介面 26
第四章 自動測試應用於伺服器之主機板降壓型轉換器 30
4.1 前言 30
4.2 電力轉換器之主要測試項目 31
4.3 自動量測填報系統實際應用於伺服器主板量測 75
4.4 可編輯式自動量測填報系統之優點 92
第五章 結論 94
參考文獻 96
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