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研究生(外文):Hui-Teng Lin
論文名稱(外文):Improved Unconstrained Video Monitoring of Breathing Behaviour and Automatic Action Recognition
指導教授(外文):Ching-Wei Wang
口試委員(外文):Ching-Wei Wang
外文關鍵詞:Breathing MonitoringAction RecognitionBehavior AnalysisObstructive Sleep Apnoea
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作。本研究提出了一種基於Wang et al.技術的改良式檢測呼吸異常以及事先診
作 。
This research presents a improved real-time automated infrared video monitoring technique based on Wang et al.'s approach~\cite{kopka} for detection of breathing anomalies, and its application in the diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. We introduce a novel motion model to detect subtle, cyclical
breathing signals from video, a new 3D unsupervised self-adaptive breathing template to learn individuals' normal breathing patterns online, and a robust action classification method to recognize abnormal breathing activities and limb movements. Also the system can detect the environment, classify them, and adjust the environment parameter by itself. When the system start detecting, it can calculate the main breathing region to recognize the subject from the background. This technique avoids imposing positional constraints on the patient, allowing patients to sleep on their back or side, with or without facing the camera, fully or partially occluded by the bed clothes and object moving in the background. Moreover, shallow and abdominal breathing patterns do not adversely affect the performance of the method, and it is insensitive to environmental settings such as infrared lighting levels and camera view angles. The experimental results show that the technique achieves high accuracy (93% for 44 data) in recognizing apnoea episodes and body movements and is robust to various occlusion levels, body
poses, body movements (i.e. minor head movement, limb movement, body rotation and slight torso movement), and breathing behavior (e.g. shallow versus heavy breathing, mouth breathing, chest breathing, abdominal breathing, and respiratory arrest).
摘要 ..................................I
Abstract ..................................II
致謝 ..................................III
1 Introduction..................................1
1.1 Motivation.................................. 2
1.2 Aim and Objectives............................. 3
1.3 Contributions................................ 3
1.4 Thesis Organization............................. 5
2 Relatedworks7
3 Methods11
3.1 Motion Detection for Breathing Analysis................. 13
3.2 State Algorithm for Action Segmentation................. 15
3.3 State Transition Rules........................... 16
3.4 Templates for Normal Breathing Activity................. 17
3.5 Region of Breathing Behavior....................... 20
3.6 Action Recognition by Template Matching................ 23
3.7 Simple Action Recognition Model..................... 25
3.8 Smart Parameter Setup........................... 27
4 Results32
4.1 Experiment Environment.......................... 32
4.1.1 Clinical data with high diffusion infrared............. 33
4.1.2 Simulation data with low diffusion infrared............ 33
4.1.3 Simulation data in pointing infrared................ 34
4.1.4 Simulation data in high diffusion infrared............. 34
4.2 Quantitative Results............................ 38
4.3 Analysis................................... 47
5 Conclusion51
5.1 System Limitation............................. 52
5.2 Future Work................................. 52
References ................................52
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