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論文名稱(外文):From group to community - social housing design
指導教授(外文):I-Hsu Chiu
口試委員(外文):I-Hsu Chiu
外文關鍵詞:Social HousingPublic HousingArchitectural Planning Strategy
  • 被引用被引用:5
  • 點閱點閱:803
  • 評分評分:
  • 下載下載:292
  • 收藏至我的研究室書目清單書目收藏:3
Living is a basic human need, and everyone needs to have a comfortable place to stay. In recent years, Taiwan's population growth and land prices and housing prices rapidly rose over the issue, resulting unable to provide public housing needs. Facing the problem of residence, the global proposed the common answer is offering low use of public land by the government, through a third party who re-planning of social housing for qualified nationals to use. The Netherlands is currently the highest proportion of social housing state, and neighboring Asian countries continue to build social housing, increasing the proportion of social housing. However, the present proportion of social housing in Taiwan is only around 0.08%.Providing excellent facilities and affordable housing, urban development are Taiwan must face the issue. Therefore, in the foreseeable future, how to construct the perfect residence function space and enhance the quality of residence space will be two priorities.
These include the integration of existing community resources, through property management to achieve control community security, multi-mixed mechanism, the practice of open building. In recent years, however, researchers from public housing development process, found that mostly dwell on maximizing the volume calculation, instead of the integration of design and method of construction of social housing. As a result , this study will begin on residential design and concept, proposing integrated design and planning strategies of social housing. First, the study will identify the advantages of case studies, and the concept of open building, while the amount of body building from the point of view of the human environment, and exploring how the continuation of local urban texture and reducing local human network, and be involved in the architectural design competition to and case simulation operation Empirical Study on the establishment of the integration of the social housing design and feasibility discussion.
論文摘要 I
Abstract II
謝誌 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1 社會住宅概述 3
2-2 社會住宅發展概述 4
2-2-1社會住宅建築設計綱要 4
2-3小結 6
第三章 案例研究 7
3-1案例分析 8
3-2小結 11
第四章 設計驗證 12
4-1台北市公共住宅規劃設計公辦都更策略規劃 13
4-1-1 設計題目 13
4-1-2 基地分析 14
4-1-3 基地分析圖 15
4-1-4 演變流程圖 16
4-1-5 開放建築設計策略導入 18
4-1-6 設計圖說 21
4-2 台中清水區鰲峰段社會住宅競圖 34
4-2-1 設計題目 34
4-2-2 基地分析 35
4-2-3 基地分析圖 39
4-2-4 量體演化流程 40
4-2-5 開放建築設計策略導入 42
4-2-6 設計圖說 45
第五章 結論與延伸 57
5-1 結論 57
5-2 建議 58
參考文獻 59
附錄目錄 61
附錄一 參與國際或全國性競圖活動一覽表 62
附錄二 參與競圖版面 64
一、台北市公共住宅規劃設計公辦都更策略規劃版面一 64
二、International Design Student Awards 版面一 71
三、臺中市清水區社會住宅設計競圖版面一 76
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