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研究生(外文):Yu-Ching Cheng
論文名稱:邁向設計之都: 以台灣台北市之轉型為例
論文名稱(外文):Preparation for developing a World Design Capital: The case of Taipei city transformation process in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Yeng-Horng Perng
口試委員(外文):Yeng-Horng Perng
外文關鍵詞:World design capital (WDC)Taipei CityHuman resourceCultural and creative industryKano two-dimensional quality modelRefined Kano model
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世界設計之都計畫(World Design Capital,簡稱WDC)是國際工業設計社團協會(International Council of Societies of Industrial Design,簡稱Icsid)自2005年所發起的2年1度的國際性大型設計活動,其目的以強化設計做為城市經濟發展工具與推廣設計以提升市民生活品質,並呈現設計對於社會、文化、經濟與生活環境的重要性。面對全球化與城市化的複雜挑戰,台灣台北市期望藉由設計之都的申辦達到突破與創新。本研究以人力資源組與文化創意產業的角度出發,進行各類挑戰、問題與機會的探究,並進行申辦設計之都之準備過程與亮點議題之行動方案的選擇討論。台北市政府人力資源組期望透過主要的三大亮點議題與行動方並藉由設計之力量啟發全體市民改造更新整個城市,其三大亮點議題分別為:K-12幼稚園到高中創意思維培育、設計聚落的發展、完善的設計產業鏈。本研究使用Kano二維品質模式與精化Kano模式分析各亮點議題之行動方案並進行篩選決定。期望透過台北市申辦設計之過程將設計與創新帶入市民生活中並成為其他城市的參考典範。
The World Design Capital (WDC) is a global city promotion project that praises achievements of cities that use design as a fundamental tool to reshape the cityscape, while also improving the quality of life for its citizens. Facing complex challenges of urbanization and globalization, Taipei City, Taiwan is seeking breakthroughs and innovations to become a WDC. This study introduces the preparation process and proposes promising initiatives and strategic actions based on the Kano two-dimensional quality model and refined Kano model. Although still an ongoing project, Taipei City is committed to leveraging the power of design to inspire its citizens to reshape and rejuvenate Taiwanese society through three major initiatives: ‘Creative Thinking for K-12’, ‘Designers Everywhere’ and ‘Healthy Design Industry’. This paper determines specific strategic actions for each major initiative. From human resource and industrial development perspectives, challenges, problems and opportunities are also discussed in the study. It is expected that lessons from this transformation can introduce creativity into citizens’ lives, direct the city innovation and thus benefit other cities.
List of Figures
List of Tables
1. Introduction
1.1. Background
1.2. World design capitals
1.3. Research objectives
2. Rethinking Taiwan’s cultural and creative industry
2.1. Review of Taiwan’s cultural and creative industry development
2.2. Challenges of Taiwan’s cultural and creative industry
3. Research method
3.1. Research focus: a human resource perspective
3.2. Interview of expert panels
3.3. Kano two-dimensional quality model
4. Kano-based quality model for defining WDC’s initiatives
4.1. Original result regarding initiatives and strategic actions
4.2. Results after using the Kano model
5. Validation of the Kano model results
6. Discussion
7. Conclusion
Appendix Initiatives and Strategic Actions of WDC Survey
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