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研究生(外文):Zhen-Lun Liu
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Ocean Energy Promotion Policy and Law – with an extended research into the Development of Ocean Energy within the European Union
指導教授(外文):Hwa-Meei Liou
口試委員(外文):Hwa-Meei Liou
外文關鍵詞:Ocean Energy of TaiwanOcean Energy of European UnionBlue EnergyRenewable Energy DirectiveRenewable Energy Development Act
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全球綠能意識快速提升,綠色再生能源有許多種類,包含海洋能。台灣地理位置四面環海,具有良好海洋資源;歐盟雖未具有四面環海條件,但所具有之海洋資源也不少。上述兩個單位之能源皆高度仰賴進口,適當利用海洋能,對解決能源安全、減碳等問題有相當程度之幫助。經許多研究指出海洋能潛能極大,能運用海洋能源將是人類生活一大益處。因此本文分析台灣海洋能之政策與法制,政策與法制的分析將針對與海洋能相關之政策與法制為主,例如:2010年之國家綠能低碳總行動方案、2012 年之我國新能源政策與節能減碳配套措施推動規畫以及政策下之施政計畫…等。法制部分除了能源法規外,尚包含影響海洋能源發展之海洋法規,例如:環境影響法規、海洋汙染規範…等。藉上述之回顧與分析比較與歐盟海洋能政策與法制之發展方向、優點與挑戰,以探討領先國家發展之經驗並給予我國借鏡,如研擬妥善制度與政策以推廣海洋能產業、精進及更完善海洋能相關法規、針對海洋能給予更多直接地著墨,例如:規劃專屬海洋能之方案、檢視現有法制以簡化海洋能相關行政程序等。
The global awareness of green energy has been raise rapidly, therefore renewable energy is paid attention by the world. Renewable energy has many types in the world, including ocean energy. Taiwan is surrounded by the sea and has a lot of ocean resource. European Union is not surrounded by the sea, but it also has some ocean resource. Both of Taiwan and EU’s energy rely on import. Taking advantage of ocean energy appropriately is helpful for energy security and carbon reduction. A lots of studies indicate that ocean energy has huge potential which is benefit of human life if use it appropriately. Therefore, this paper analyze the policies and laws of Taiwan
which is relating to ocean energy mainly. In addition to regulation of energy, this paper includes the regulation of ocean which influence the development of ocean energy in the part of law, such as Environmental Impact Assessment, Prevention of the Marine Pollution. This paper compares the advantage, path and challenge of policy and law between Taiwan and EU by above-mentioned review and analysis and discussion on the development of country of leader and as experience for Taiwan. The conclusion of study includes formulating proper policy and institution to popularize industry of ocean energy, improving the regulations about ocean energy, and developing policies and laws which is aiming ocean energy such as reviewing regulations which is existing to simplify the procedure appropriately and developing policies which is ocean energy exclusively.
摘要 I
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍 2
第三節 研究方法 3
第四節 研究架構與流程 3
第五節 文獻回顧 5
第二章 海洋能介紹及其發展 9
第一節 各種海洋能介紹 9
第一小節 潮汐能 9
第二小節 溫差能 10
第三小節 波浪能 11
第四小節 海流能 11
第五小節 鹽差能 11
第六小節 其他 12
第二節 海洋能的優勢與機會 12
第三節 海洋能源相關資源與設施 13
第一小節 海洋資源 13
第二小節 海洋能重要相關設施 14
第四節 海洋能源發展之困難 15
第三章 我國海洋能源政策與法制之發展 18
第一節 我國海洋能源政策發展 18
第一小節 我國能源政策發展與方針 18
第二小節 我國海洋能源發展目標 20
第三小節 我國海洋能發展之策略 21
第四小節 我國海洋能源相關政策 23
第五小節 我國海洋能源重要施政計畫 32
第六小節 綜合分析 44
第二節 我國海洋能源法制規範 52
第一小節 再生能源發展條例 52
第二小節 環境影響評估法 58
第三小節 海洋汙染防治法 61
第四章 歐盟海洋能源政策與法制之發展 64
第一節 歐盟海洋能源政策發展 64
第一小節 歐盟能源發展方針 64
第二小節 歐盟再生能源發展目標與策略 65
第三小節 歐盟海洋能源相關政策 68
第四小節 歐盟海洋能源重要施政計畫 82
第五小節 綜合分析 92
第二節 歐盟海洋能源法制規範 100
第一小節 促進再生能源指令 100
第二小節 歐盟之再生能源推廣制度 103
第三小節 與海洋能相關之海洋指令 104
第五章 結論與建議 110
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12. Renewable energy: French and Czech legislation still not in line with EU rules, 2011.11, available at: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-11-1446_en.htm(last visited: JAN 8, 2016)
13. Environmental Impact Assessment, European Commission, available at:http://ec.europa.eu/environment/eia/eia-legalcontext.htm(last visited: JAN 13, 2016)
14. Strategic Environmental Assessment, European Commission, available at:
http://ec.europa.eu/environment/eia/sea-legalcontext.htm(last visited: JAN 16, 2016)
15. Our Oceans, Seas and Coasts, European Commission, available at:
http://ec.europa.eu/environment/marine/eu-coast-and-marine-policy/marine-strategyframework-directive/index_en.htm(last visited: JAN 20, 2016)
16. Maritime Spatial Planning, European Commission, available at:
http://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/policy/maritime_spatial_planning/index_en.htm(last visited: JAN 28, 2016)
17. Energy and environment, European Commission, available at:
http://ec.europa.eu/environment/integration/energy/index_en.htm(last visited: FEB 3,2016)
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