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研究生(外文):Yuan-Ting Chang
論文名稱(外文):Work Engagement: Knowledge Diffusion Trajectory and Recent Themes
外文關鍵詞:work engagementcitation networkmain path analysis
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工作敬業(work engagement)為個體於工作中正向積極地達成自我目標以及實現自我抱負,並擁有三種與工作相關的心理狀態:活力、奉獻與熱衷。過去的研究指出,具工作敬業的員工對組織有高度認同感,並願意為組織奉獻心力,且積極主動於工作,進而將此敬業精神傳遞給同事,使所有員工皆產生工作敬業,以及擁有良好的績效表現。倘若組織能激勵員工產生工作敬業,則可促進公司整體績效優良。工作敬業相關文獻相當豐富,包含各種理論及實證研究議題,然而,尚未有文獻針對工作敬業研究之成長脈絡作全面性的分析。有鑒於此,本研究歸納與統整工作敬業之學術性文獻,藉此了解工作敬業研究之歷年成長脈絡及近年聚焦議題。
本研究透過Web of Science資料庫,蒐集自1998年至2016年3月間之工作敬業相關文獻,最終樣本為1529篇。藉由文獻相互引用關係建立引證網路,以主路徑分析方法擷取引證網路中的關鍵文獻,呈現出工作敬業歷年發展之知識傳播過程。其次,從最終樣本中選取2011年後之工作敬業相關文獻,以集群分析方法將近期的文獻群組系統化分類出來,呈現出工作敬業近期聚焦之研究議題。
本研究發現,工作敬業研究之發展過程中,工作要求-資源模式(job demands-resources model)貫穿整個知識傳播軌跡,最後發展成工作要求-資源理論(job demands-resources theory)。再者,工作敬業近年來關注之研究議題可分六大類,依序為:工作敬業與挑戰性-阻礙性壓力架構、工作敬業與工作狂、護理業的工作敬業、工作敬業與績效、工作敬業與社會心理安全氛圍以及教育業的工作敬業。最後,根據上述結果,討論其研究意涵、研究限制及未來研究方向。
Work engagement is defined as a positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind that is characterized by vigor, dedication, and absorption. Most previous studies have shown that employees with work engagement have high level of organizational commitment, dedicate themselves to the organization, take initiative at work, and are able to pass on such spirit to their colleagues, therefore all employees in the organization are equipped with work engagement and excel in performance. As a result, if the organization can encourage employees to generate work engagement, it can promote good overall company performance. Academic literatures related to work engagement are abundant and include a wide range of theoretical and empirical studies. However, there is no literature on comprehensive analysis of the knowledge diffusion trajectory of work engagement. For this reason, this study analyzes literatures on work engagement and explores the developmental process of work engagement and its related issues.
This study collects 1,529 literatures from 1998 to 2016 base on the Web of science database, and uses these literatures to construct citation network. From citation network, we apply main path analysis to discover the core knowledge flow trajectory and critical articles. In addition, we choose the literatures only from 2011 to 2016, and apply edge-betweenness clustering to classify the chosen literatures into several groups.
The results show that the job demands-resources model has been consistent throughout the entire knowledge diffusion trajectory in the developmental process of work engagement, and is eventually developed into the job demands-resources theory. Additionally, recent themes after 2011 can be divided into six categories: work engagement and challenge-hindrance stressor framework, work engagement and workaholism, work engagement in nursing, work engagement and performance, work engagement and psychosocial safety climate, and work engagement in education. Finally, according to the aforementioned results, this study provides research implications, research limitations and future research directions.
5.1研究結果與討論 66
5.2理論與實務意涵 68
5.3研究限制與建議 68
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