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研究生(外文):Yen-Shao Lu
論文名稱(外文):Simulation of Hydrogen Production via Chemical Looping Processes with Coal and Methane Fuels
指導教授(外文):Hao-Yeh Lee
口試委員(外文):Hao-Yeh Lee
外文關鍵詞:chemical looping combustionoxygen carrier circulation rateparameter analysisprocess simulationhydrogen productioncoal and natural gas fuel
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本研究利用Aspen Plus模擬軟體,完成化學迴路製程之模型建立與模擬分析。
由於煤炭可能因價格與產量波動,因此本研究探討三種不同煤炭。 Pocahontas NO.3、澳洲煤與及PRB之最小載氧體循環量(Rmin)分別為1.21、1.38與1.6,表示煤炭含水量越高,需操作於較高之載氧體循環量。並探討不同之操作條件,藉由降低蒸氣進料量,將部分載氧體送入空氣反應器進行氧化反應,以增加空氣反應器放熱量,進而使系統熱平衡,與最大產氫量個案相比,產氫量將降低32~44%,而澳洲煤與及PRB溫度超過飛灰形變溫度,須提升載氧體循環量至1.19 Rmin與1.24 Rmin以降低溫度差,進而避免飛灰形變。而30 kWth澳洲煤於空氣出料溫度1050 oC下,載氧體循環量約為4204.5 g/min。
In this study, the chemical looping process model setup, simulation and analysis is finished by using the Aspen Plus simulator.
The fuel may be changed because of the coal prices or the production rate. In this study, three kinds of coal are demonstrated the fluctuation of fuel sources. The results show that the minimum oxygen carrier rate (Rmin) of Pocahontas No.3, ASC and PRB are 1.21, 1.38, and 1.6 respectily; it is found that the higher moisture of coal should operate at high oxygen carrier circulation rate. Three situations are discussed in this study. By reducing the steam flowrate, the partial oxygen carrier sends to the air reactor to oxidize. The whole system reaches heat balance but the hydrogen yield decreases 32 % to 44 % from the maximum hydrogen yield case. Furthermore, the ash deformation may take place if the air reactor outlet temperature is higher than the ash deformation temperature (ADT). The results show that the ASC and PRB should be operated at 1.19 Rmin and 1.24 Rmin to prevent ash deformation. In the 30 kWth ASC CDCL simulation, the oxygen carrier circulation rate is 4204.5 g/min when the air outlet temperature is 1050 oC.
In the adiabatic simulation, the fuel reactor and hydrogen generator outlet temperature is not constant. The system reachs heat balance conidition when the air reactor outlet temperature is the same with fuel reactor inlet temperature; it indicates the oxygen carrier circulation rate and steam inlet would affect the air outlet temperature. At the maximum oxygen carrier circulation rate: The minimum air flowrate is only regenerated the oxygen carrier to Fe2O3, it may not reach the transport request. By increasing the air flowrate to reach the gas delivery, the amount of air will take away more heat, so the hydrogen yield is lower than the minimum air flowrate. If the oxygen carrier is operated at lower circulation rate, the fuel reactor outlet temperature would decrease. It can be adjusted by the oxygen carrier circulation rate to achieve the more reasonable operating temperature of fuel reactor.
致謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VII
1. 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 4
1.3 研究動機與目的 18
1.4 組織章節 19
2. 熱力學與動力學 20
2.1 前言 20
2.2 熱力學性質 21
2.3 動力學 25
3. 直接煤炭化學迴路程序 28
3.1 前言 28
3.2 模式建立 29
3.3 模式驗證 32
3.4 研究方法 40
3.5 不同煤炭之影響 42
3.5.1 最小載氧體循環量評估 42
3.5.2 最大產氫量 44
3.5.3 熱平衡評估 46
3.5.4 提升載氧體循環量評估 48
3.6 實驗級規模之模擬 50
4. 甲烷燃料化學迴路程序 57
4.1 前言 57
4.2 模式驗證與溫壓測試 58
4.3 擬態絕熱系統設計 62
4.4 絕熱系統設計 73
5. 結論和未來展望 88
參考文獻 91
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彭鏡禹,化學迴路技術發展概況與展望,中興工程,第124期。(2014) 111 - 119
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