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研究生(外文):Xin-Zhi Chiang
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Role-Playing Electronic Picture Books on College Students’ Reading Process, Attention Distribution and Critical Thinking Performance
指導教授(外文):Gloria Yi-Ming Kao
口試委員(外文):Gloria Yi-Ming Kao
外文關鍵詞:picture e-bookeye-trackingrole playingselfiecritical thinking
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數位閱讀改變了人們的閱讀習慣,在面對數量龐大且零碎不完整的閱讀素材時,應維持客觀思辯的批判性思考能力,但因數位閱讀中普遍淺閱讀的現象,對於缺乏閱讀動機的學生,需要更好的輔助幫助其融入閱讀情境。角色扮演活動(Role Playing)能增強學生投入與參與感,更利於學生以不同觀點批判理解事物。因此,本研究設計角色扮演式電子繪本,提供不同角色為出發點的故事敘述觀點,更融入學生不同表情自拍照片至故事中作為主角頭像,並以眼動追蹤技術,探討不同角色扮演融入對於學習者的閱讀歷程是否有影響。本研究以台北市大專院校之65名學生作為研究對象,並採準實驗設計,分組為「變換表情自拍組」、「固定表情自拍組」、「無自拍組」三組進行不同角色扮演式電子繪本閱讀,隨後進行小組故事觀點討論,根據學生扮演之角色隨機分派至「單一觀點組」與「不同觀點組」,進一步分析討論學生在故事觀點討論對話中的批判性思考表現。本研究結果發現在變換表情自拍組學習者的閱讀歷程中,觀看自拍的主角圖區的凝視時間比例顯著高於另外兩組,且其閱讀動機也顯著提升。同時,在角色扮演活動中有加入學習者自拍的變換表情自拍組與固定表情自拍組,其學習者的閱讀投入也顯著高於無自拍組。另一方面,在角色扮演閱讀活動後的故事觀點討論中,提供學習者從不同觀點討論事物的「不同觀點組」,更能引導學生有更高階的批判性思考行為表現,對於培養學習者批判性思考能有所助益。
Digital reading has changed people's reading habits. Faced with a lot of incomplete and fragmentary reading content, readers should maintain the objective critical thinking skills. With the advent of interactive e-books and the culture of light reading and skimming, we hope to assist readers who lack these critical thinking skills and motivations to read with these interactive e-books. Role-playing activities greatly helped in providing students with understanding multiple perspectives and increased their participation in class. Therefore, this study hopes to examine whether role-playing picture e-books foster students critical thinking through showing multiple perspectives. These role-playing picture e-books allow users to upload their selfies to act as the main character to further immerse themselves into the story. Moreover, we used eye-tracking technology to explore readers’ attention distributions. The participants included 65 college and graduate students in Taipei. This study first randomly assigned students into three groups, Emotive Selfie, Fixed Selfie, and No Selfie. After they read their respective e-books they come back together for discussion. The students are divided into two groups to discuss issues with respect to their characters, One Perspective group, and Multiple Perspectives group. Results revealed that the role-playing picture e-books with their selfies can improve reader’s reading engagement. Meanwhile, the Emotive Selfie group had higher fixation duration on the main character area. Further, because that the character portrait would transform into the corresponding emotive selfie, according to the storyline, the reading motivation of the Emotive Selfie group was significantly higher than the other two groups. On the other hand, the students in multiple perspectives group had better critical thinking performance through the adequately discussed.
摘要 i
目錄 iii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 5
1.3研究問題 6
1.4研究限制 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
2.1角色扮演融入電子繪本 8
2.2批判性思考活動 11
2.3 利用眼動探究閱讀歷程 17
第三章 研究方法 22
3.1研究架構 22
3.2研究設計與流程 24
3.3研究對象 33
3.4研究假設 35
3.5研究工具 36
3.6資料處理 40
3.7前導性實驗 44
第四章 實驗結果與分析 49
4.1不同角色扮演式電子繪本對學習者的眼動行為分析 49
4.2不同角色扮演式電子繪本對學習者的閱讀動機影響 60
4.3不同角色扮演式電子繪本對學習者的閱讀投入影響 62
4.4不同故事觀點討論分組對學習者的批判性思考表現影響 64
第五章 研究結論與建議 71
5.1 結論與討論 71
5.2 未來研究之建議 76
參考文獻 77
附錄一 角色扮演式電子繪本 88
附錄二 變換表情自拍組_主角表情自拍引導表 95
附錄三 繪本閱讀動機前測 97
附錄四 繪本閱讀動機與投入後測 99
附錄五 故事討論學習單 101

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