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研究生(外文):Shih-Chi Wu
論文名稱(外文):OpenBLEID+BLETunneling:A Means for User Devices to Communicate with Internet Services via BLE-based Gateways Considering Access Privileges
指導教授(外文):Shi-Cho ChaCheng-Huang Hung
口試委員(外文):Shi-Cho ChaCheng-Huang Hung
外文關鍵詞:Access PrivilegeBLE TunnelingsIoT GatewayIoT
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由於低功率藍牙(Bluetooth Low Energy,簡稱 BLE)具有耗用功率較低的特性,使得 BLE 成為目前與物聯網裝置溝通的一個主流協定;而物聯網裝置通常不具備直接連結網際網路的能力,因此,物聯網裝置常需要透過閘道器才能將資料上傳至網際網路伺服器。當使用者攜帶該物聯網裝置至各地時,各地的閘道器就需要確認該物聯網裝置或使用者是否具有能夠透過閘道器上傳資料的權限。然而,過去像是 6LoWPAN 等協定,並沒有定義如何鑑別物聯網裝置與使用者身分的方法,也沒有特別針對 BLE 協定設計訊息傳送的方法。
有鑑於此,本研究提出 OpenBLEID 與 BLETunneling 的標準與方法。首先,OpenBLEID 是要讓裝置或使用者在不同區域移動時,都可以提供閘道器一個鑑別裝置或使用者身分的方法。這樣的機制仿照 OpenID 的概念,讓使用者可以向一個身分提供者進行登錄,之後閘道器就可透過 BLE 取得所要進行身分鑑別裝置的身分提供者,並作為中間人,讓身分提供者對裝置進行身分鑑別並證明裝置的身分,最後由閘道器判斷該裝置是否可存取網路。另一方面,BLETunneling 讓授權的裝置可以將需要傳送的網際網路封包,經由閘道器轉發到目標網際網路伺服器,並且能夠接收網際網路伺服器的回應。本研究提出的標準將有利於基於 BLE 的物聯網裝置在各地移動時,都能讓鄰近的閘道器確認其身分,從而得到授權,以存取網際網路服務。
Due to resource limitation, Internet of Things (IoT) devices may not have capabilities of Internet connection. Instead, current IoT devices are usually equipped with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) for communication because of BLE’s low energy consumption. If such IoT devices wish to communicate with hosts on the Internet, the devices may need to connect to gateways with BLE and transmit data to the hosts via the gateways. In this case, the gateways should authenticate the devices and ensure that the devices are authorized to transfer data through the gateways. Also, the gateways need to communicate with the host on behalf of the devices. However, there is no standard or protocol defining means for IoT devices to communicate with Internet servers through gateways with BLEs.
In light of this, this study proposes OpenBLEID and BLETunneling. OpenBLEID provides a means for gateways to authenticate the devices or device owners without knowledge of the devices in advance. In this case, OpenBLEID borrows the concept of OpenID. Devices can be first registered with an identity provider (IdP). Then, when a device wishes to send data through a gateway, the gateway can request its IdP to authenticate the device to determine the privileges of the device. On the other hand, BLETunneling enables authorized devices to transmit requests to Internet servers and receive responses from internet servers through a gateway. For the very sake of that, this study can contribute to establish specifications for IoT devices to communicate with Internet servers through gateways with BLEs.
第1章 緒論
1.1 研究背景與動機
1.2 研究目的與貢獻
1.3 章節介紹
第2章 文獻探討與背景知識
2.1 物聯網技術
2.2 基於低功率藍牙協定傳送IPv6封包
2.2.1 BLE 架構
2.2.2 BLE星狀網路拓撲
2.2.3 基於低功率藍牙協定傳送IPv6封包之規範
2.3 低功率藍牙隱私位址
2.4 OpenID 規範
第3章 問題定義與需求分析
3.1 問題定義
3.2 角色定義
3.3 傳輸通道
3.4 範例情境
3.5 需求分析
3.5.1 系統功能需求
3.5.2 安全需求
第4章 閘道器設計
第5章 OpenBLEID
5.1 符號定義
5.2 運作流程
第6章 BLETunneling
6.1 適用於UDP之情況
6.2 適用於TCP之情況
第7章 實驗
第8章 安全性分析
8.1 使用 BAN Logic 證明 OpenBLEID
8.2 其他安全性分析
第9章 結論與未來方向
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