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研究生(外文):Bing-Wu Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Employee Factors Influencing the Implementation of ERP system with Cases of Real Estate Agents
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Kang Chen
口試委員(外文):Cheng-Kang Chen
外文關鍵詞:E-enterprisereal estate brokeragefranchising brokers of house
  • 被引用被引用:6
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近年來隨著資訊的發達及政府房地產政策改變,使得一般傳統不動產仲介經紀業面臨不少挑戰及困境.但有些具品牌之加盟店,仍然在房市蕭條情況下,相對穩定甚至逆勢成長.經走訪各品牌之加盟店發現除了既有加盟總部的電腦系統作業外,若加盟店建置自有ERP系統,大多數是比較有機會擴展成多店經營規模, 尤其在房市熱絡時,這些加盟店則更擁有成長的利基,然而他們卻無法普遍推動全面E化的原因何在?這確實值得我們深入探討。。
 不動產經紀業小型自營商及一般加盟店在ERP系統推動的現況發展。
 不動產仲介經紀業小型自營商及一般加盟店ERP系統推動時的人事問題。
 不動產仲介經紀業ERP系統推動的成功關鍵要素。
Along with the advance of information technology and the change of government policy in real estate recently, the industry of real estate brokers is facing a few challenges and hazards. However, the business of franchising brokers with brands is stable and even has growth at this recession time. After visits to franchising brokers, it is found that these brokers have their own computer operation system, in addition to the system provided by their franchisers. With these dual systems, they are able to be a multiple franchisee from more franchisers.
The objective of this research is to investigate the current status of utilization n of ERP system and their experience, the people factors they encountered during the adoption and utilization of this kind of system, and the critical success factors in this aspect.
This research uses direct interview, close-end and open-end questionnaire to collect data in order to answer the three research questions. The direct interview is for the owners of the franchising brokers with their own ERP system, while the open-end questionnaire is for those without their own. Close-end questionnaire is for the subordinates of the brokers with or without their own ERP system.
The questions are all attributed to ERP system and covered by the direct interview include the planning and strategy for adoption, adoption and implementation, benefits, challenges, critical success factors, experience and comments. The content collected through the interview, includes the approach to acquire and own the system, the planning details of introducing the system, strategic concerns, value and goal, decision of the system structure, facilitators supporting the adoption of the system (including overall strategy, subsidy strategy, training, management), establishment of data base, upgrade of skills, experience transition, authorization, monitor, promotion, benefits, performance progress, change between before and after, challenges such as the cooperation and literature of subordinates, critical success factors, further possible improvement. All of these problems are so practical for any brokers to have or want to have an ERP system.
The content collected through open-end questionnaire, includes their opinions about those practices such as how their subordinates keep and administrate their customers’ data, why they centralize and manage these data, whether they have tried to introducing an ERP system, individual benefits brought for their employees to have an ERP system, what kinds of skills their employees must have, alternatives to solve the problem in the resistance from employees, the re-engineering of process, and expected hazards, and so on.
Finally, it is found, from the close-end questionnaire, that there are different significantly between male and female in whether their supervisors should have the authority to manage the data collected by their employees, whether their supervisors will lead to establish the data base, whether they feel fair to share the data base and then the profit, whether feel good to open the data they collect to others after certain days. They have no significant difference in all other questions. On the other hand, there are significant difference between the employees with ERP system and those without one in whether they feel that to share the data they collect via company’s ERP system to others is a loss, whether their peers will still prefer to keep the customer data with hand instead of with ERP system, whether their peers will enter customer data into the ERP system, whether their peers are business-oriented and do not care of the data entry and sharing, whether they care about their peers make use of the data they collected and entered. They have no significant difference in all other questions. In addition, no matter how old they are, the view points of the employees regarding to the problems their company may encounter, such as policy, resistance and other aspects, tend to be similar to each other.
謝誌 III
摘要 V
Abstract VII
目錄 IX
圖目錄 XI
表目錄 XII
第壹章、 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究背景 3
第四節 不動產仲介經紀業專有名詞 5
第五節 不動產仲介經紀業之產業介紹 6
第六節 不動產仲介經紀業之ERP系統要項 6
第七節 研究流程 8
第貳章、 文獻回顧及探討 10
第一節 ERP定義和導入型態 10
第二節 導入ERP的效益與挑戰 12
第三節 導入ERP的成敗關鍵因素 13
第四節 影響ERP導入和應用的人員因素 15
第參章、 研究方法 19
第一節 研究架構 19
第二節 研究對象與抽樣方法 20
第三節 研究工具 20
第四節 資料整理 21
第肆章、 研究結果與討論 22
第一節 訪談者及樣本背景說明 22
第二節 實地訪談結果 24
第三節 未推動ERP者之問卷調查結果 30
第四節 推動與未推動ERP系統之差異分析 32
第伍章、 結論與建議 39
第一節 研究結論 39
第二節 研究建議 41
參考文獻 43
附錄一、 實地訪談結果 45
附錄二、 未推動ERP系統經營店問卷調查結果 64
附錄三、 不動產仲介經紀業專有名詞 76
附錄四、 不動產經紀業ERP系統常見功能 79
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