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研究生(外文):Tsu-Yun Huang
論文名稱(外文):The Strategic Study of Clouding Computing for the Information Service and Systems Integration Businesses.
指導教授(外文):Pin Luarn
口試委員(外文):Pin Luarn
外文關鍵詞:Cloud ComputingSystems IntegrationInformation ServiceService Innovation.
  • 被引用被引用:3
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  • 收藏至我的研究室書目清單書目收藏:3
最初在2006年開始喊出「雲端」一詞時,被資訊業界廣泛認為「雲端」,是一種嶄新的行銷手法,當時只是為了增加硬體銷售而提出的口號,但主導資訊技術的國際大廠IBM卻指出,雲端運算的出現是一個網際網路服務運算技術繼往開來的發展進程。隨後幾年的發展,我們看到Smart Phone開始帶領起的個人雲端服務風潮,已知雲端運算的應用與技術,正持續的在發展與進步當Apple、Facebook、Google、Amazon、Line等個人化服務與電子商務全面又快速的入侵人類的生活。直至2016年,許多因應雲端運算技術發展出的新興科技,已日漸萌芽茁壯,更多的雲端運算發展思維與商務模式,已經開始拓展到企業與政府組織之既有的傳統IT架構之中。在雲端運算服務發展初期,許多被認為雲端運算的服務疑慮及資訊安全問題,將慢慢地不再是問題,會因現今眾多的新技術發展而有許多解決方案。

Started in 2006, "cloud" the term was brought out for the first time and widely regarded as one of new marketing methods in the information industry. It was happened as a slogan to merely increase computer hardware sales. But, IBM, a leading global I.T. corporate, has pointed out that the emergence of cloud computing was one of internet services, and it develops in the computing technology, carrying on the past and forwarding to the future. Followed by several years of the development, we see Smart Phone began to lead the trend in the personal cloud service, known the cloud computing application and technology, which is still continuing in the development and progress as Apple, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Line and other personalized services and e-commerce go all out and quickly influence the human life. In response to a number of the cloud computing technology, it was not until 2016, that the emerging technology had developed and become robust and strong. There are more and more development thoughts and business models of the cloud computing have begun to expand to the existing traditional I.T. infrastructures of businesses and governmental organizations. During the early stages of the development of the Cloud computing service, many issues and concerns of the cloud computing services, such as the information security issue, will gradually be no longer a problem. New technologies, new solutions.
Thus, as the emerging information technology kept developing, the new business models were brought out and then entered into the traditional information services market. Although it was expected to develop many new services and could provide the users of the businesses and governmental organizations with more service options. So, as the information service will provide the target customers with more diverse options, consequently, it will also lead to more problem-oriented service and price considerations. Thus, when the number of competitor increases in the market, the traditional information services and systems integration businesses will face the problem with setting the direction of the corporate competitive strategy for the future. And it will become the most concerned issue that whether or not the strategy is conservative or service innovation. Finally, based on "business strategy", "service innovation" and "critical success factors", the study is to explore the industry issues, focusing on the service development of cloud computing, and then, providing more perspectives for the traditional information services and systems integration businesses.
第一章 緒論............................................................................1
1.1 研究背景................................................................1
1.2 研究動機................................................................3
1.3 研究目的................................................................4
1.4 研究範圍與內容..................................................5
1.5 研究架構與流程..................................................6
第二章 文獻探討...................................................................8
2.1 雲端運算................................................................8
2.2 資訊服務系統整合業.......................................16
2.3 企業競爭策略.....................................................23
2.4 服務創新..............................................................30
2.5 關鍵成功因素.....................................................33
第三章 研究方法與設計....................................................35
3.1 質化研究方法......................................................35
3.2 研究架構...............................................................38
3.3 訪談對象及問題設計........................................39
3.4 資料整理與分析.................................................42
3.5 研究限制...............................................................43
第四章 研究結果..................................................................44
4.1 訪談公司資料.......................................................44
4.2 訪談紀錄整理.......................................................53
第五章 研究分析...................................................................64
5.1 雲端運算服務之發展分析................................64
5.2 企業競爭策略之分析.........................................68
5.3 資訊系統整合業雲端運算服務分析..............69
5.4 服務創新策略之分析.........................................72
5.5 未來機會與挑戰之分析.....................................73
第六章 結論與建議...............................................................75
6.1 結論..........................................................................75
6.2 建議..........................................................................76
6.3 未來研究方向........................................................77
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