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研究生(外文):Peter Chondro
論文名稱(外文):Perceptually Hue-Oriented Power-Saving Scheme with Overexposure and High-Frequency Spectra Suppressor for AMOLED Displays
指導教授(外文):Shanq-Jang Ruan
口試委員(外文):Shanq-Jang Ruan
外文關鍵詞:power-saving schemestructural similarityperceptual-constrainedAMOLED displayoverexposure correctioncolor restoration
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Active matrix organic light emitting diode (AMOLED) display is an emerging technology that has been widely used in consumer electronic devices. It incorporates a varying power-demand character, which particularly inefficient for displaying bright colors. This study presents a power-saving scheme for AMOLED displays based on the pixel dimming transformation. Initially, the proposed method suppresses the luminance and reconstructs the colors of any overexposed region. Then, each pixel is transformed using coefficients derived from the SSIM metric, of which set point is determined from the prior image. Weighted coefficients are employed specifically for high-frequency visible color spectra. According to the experiments of three datasets on an AMOLED display, up to 75% of the displaying power can be reduced with mean visual saliency index of 0.955.
Recommendation Form i

Committee Form ii

Chinese Abstract iii

English Abstract iv

Acknowledgements v

Table of Contents vii

List of Tables x

List of Figures xi

Table of Algorithms xiv

1. Introduction 1
1.1 The Essentials of Display Technology 1
1.2 Power-Saving Schemes for AMOLED Displays 3
1.3 Organization of this Thesis 5

2. Related Works 6
2.1 AMOLED Power-Demand Characteristics 8
2.2 Conventional Histogram Equalization Technique 10
2.3 Overexposure Correction Schemes 12
2.4 Histogram-Based Power-Saving Scheme 13
2.5 Quality-Constrained Energy-Saving Scheme 15
2.6 Motivations 17

3. Proposed Method 19
3.1 Nonlinear Histogram Stretching 20
3.2 Efficient Overexposure Corrector 23
3.3 Perceptually Hue-Oriented Pixel Transformation 28

4. Experimental Result 32
4.1 Experimental Tools for Image Assessment 33
4.2 Power Measurement Setup and Power Modeling 35
4.3 Evaluation of the Overexposure Corrector 37
4.4 Evaluation of the Proposed Pixel Transformation 40
4.5 Objective Evaluation of the Overall Proposed Method 43
4.6 Subjective Evaluation of the Overall Proposed Method 45
4.7 Computational Evaluation 50
4.7.1 Computational Complexity 50
4.7.2 Computational Optimization 50

5. Conclusions 52

References 53
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