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研究生(外文):Jyun-Kai Huang
論文名稱:5.8 GHz CMOS 非接觸式生理訊號雷達感測晶片研製
論文名稱(外文):Development of 5.8 GHz Radar Sensor Chip in 0.18-um CMOS for Non-Contact Vital Sign Detection
指導教授(外文):Chao-Hsiung Tseng
口試委員(外文):Chao-Hsiung Tseng
外文關鍵詞:the quadrature direct conversionradar sensor chip
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本論文係使用TSMC 0.18 μmCMOS 製程研製兩型應用於5.8GHz 非接觸式生理訊號雷達感測晶片,一型雷達感測晶片不包含低雜訊放大器,另一型則將雷達系統整合於單一晶片中,且該晶片包含被動式雙平衡混頻器、線性功率放大器、低雜訊放大器、壓控振盪器,及射頻被動電路等關鍵零組件。此外,為克服雷達偵測零點問題,本論文採用直接正交轉換電路架構實現雷達感測晶片。
本論文之晶片使用鎊線封裝於印刷電路板上,透過連接收發射天線與基頻放大器,於成人受測者前50 公分處進行量測驗證,所測得之每分鐘心跳次數與市售醫療及血氧濃度計量測結果吻合,驗證雷達系統之有效性。
This thesis presents two types of 5.8-GHz radar sensor chips for non-contact
vital sign detection. The sensor chip is designed and fabricated in TSMC
0.18 μmCMOS 1P6M process. In order to overcome the null-point detection, the
system configuration of the quadrature direct conversion is adopted to implement this radar chip. The first radar chip does not include an on-chip low-noise amplifier. For the second radar chip, all the active and passive components of the radar system are fully integrated in a single CMOS chip. With packaging on the printed-circuit board and connecting transmitting and receiving antennas, two radar sensor chips have been successfully demonstrated to detect the respiration and heart beat rates of a human
adult at about 50 cm measurement range. The measured heartbeats per minute are in a good agreement with the results acquired by the finger pulse oximeter. The measured results in this thesis demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed radar chips.
第一章 緒論..................................................................................................................1
1-1 研究動機與目的..............................................................................................1
1-2 非接觸式生理訊號雷達感測原理..................................................................2
1-3 非接觸式生理訊號雷達晶片系統架構..........................................................5
1-4 章節說明..........................................................................................................6
第二章 CMOS 雷達感測晶片之關鍵電路..................................................................7
2-1 平衡-不平衡轉換器與90 度功率分配器設計..............................................7
2-2 被動式CMOS 雙平衡混頻器設計與量測..................................................11
2-3 線性功率放大器設計與量測......................................................................17
2-4 壓控振盪器與低雜訊放大器設計...............................................................23
2-4-1 壓控振盪器設計...............................................................................23
2-4-2 低雜訊放大器設計...........................................................................26
第三章 CMOS 非接觸式生理訊號雷達感測系統晶片設計與驗證........................31
3-1 非接觸式生理訊號感測系統晶片研製......................................................31
3-1-1 不含低雜訊放大器之雷達感測晶片(晶片一) ................................31
3-1-2 雷達感測晶片(晶片二) ....................................................................35
3-2 非接觸式生理訊號感測雷達模組驗證......................................................38
3-2-1 天線及基頻電路設計與研製.............................................................38
3-2-2 雷達感測模組量測與驗證.................................................................41
第四章 結論................................................................................................................45
參考文獻 ....................................................................................................................48
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