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研究生(外文):Han-Wen Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Observation of Surface Temperature distribution of Light- Emitting Diodes Grown on Patterned Sapphire Substrate by Infrared Camera
指導教授(外文):Jung-Chieh, Su
口試委員(外文):Jung-Chieh, Su
外文關鍵詞:Infrared CameraEmissivityPatterned SapphireLight Emitting Diodes
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發光二極體(Light-Emitting Diode, LED)由於磊晶缺陷、電極佈置等原因,造成發光層局部區域電流密度較高,此現象稱為電流集聚效應(Cureent Crowding Effect)。然而電流密度較高不只造成發光強度增加,也代表溫度升高並形成區域加熱現象(Local Heating)。此外,當溫度提高時電子與電洞在發光層的非輻射結合的機率提高,且全反射效應(Total Internal Reflection)也讓反射回來的能量會被LED各層材料吸收,而這又使得溫度提高。在上述效應交互作用之下,LED產生自體加熱效應(Self Heating)並減少自身壽命甚至損壞封裝材料。因此LED溫度量測顯得更重要。
由於LED的晶粒尺寸很小,難以使用接觸式的溫度量測方式,所以本論文利用非接觸式的溫度量測方式(熱像儀, Infrared Camera)。然而在量測溫度前,需先知道LED每個材料的放射率(Emissivity),量測的溫度才正確。所以將黑色電汽絕緣膠帶當作黑體校正源,並分別量測LED表面材料之放射率。得到各表面材料放射率後,套用在已封裝完成之LED上,並取得各材料的表面溫度,最後再與順向偏壓法所推測出的接面溫度做比對。
This current crowding effect of light-emitting diode (LED) resulted from the defects in the epilayers or arrangement of electrodes, and caused higher current density in partial region of light emitting layer. Since higher current density not only means higher light output, but also cause temperature rising and cause localized heating. Besides, the increasing non-radiative combination rate of of electrons and holes in emission layer of LED, and the total internal reflection effect also enhanced the temperature rise. Due to the abovementioned effects, the resulting self-heating effect reduces lifetime of LED and even do damage to epilayer materials. Therefore, LED chip temperature measurement becomes more important.
Because of the size of LED chips is very small, is difficult to measure temperature by using contact thermometer. In this thesis, the non-contact thermometer (infrared camera) was used to measure LED chip surface temperature. However, the knowledge of emissivity for each epilayer materials is required to test the real temperature of LED surface epilayer. A black electrical insulation tape was used as a reference black body and referred to measure emissivity of each LED epilayer materials. After emissivity calibrating, the surface temperature of LED chip was tested by applying the emissivity of epilayers. Then, the temperature measured by infarred camera was compared with the temperature calculated by forward voltage method.
第一章 導論
1.1 前言
1.2 文獻回顧
1.2.1 溫度量測方式 接觸式 紅外量測式
1.2.2 輻射熱傳導之基本概念 輻射強度(Radiation Intensity) 放射功率(Emissive Power)
1.2.3 黑體輻射定律 普朗克定律(Planck's Law) 維恩位移定律(Wien's Displacement Law) 史蒂芬波茲曼定律(Stefan-Boltzmann's Law) 克西何夫定律(Kirchhoff's Law) 真實表面之輻射特性
1.2.4 發光二極體之致熱效應 電流集聚效應(Current Crodwing Effect) 全反射效應(Total Internal Reflection Effect)
1.2.5 順向偏壓法(Forward Voltage Method)
第二章 研究目的與量測方法
2.1 研究目的
2.2 量測方法
2.2.1 儀器介紹
(1) 熱電偶(Thermal Couple)
(2) 熱電致冷晶片(Thermoelectric Cooler,TEC)
(3) 加熱板(Hot Plate)
(4) 電源供應器(Power Supply)
(5) 多功能數據擷取器(Multifunction Data Acquistion, DAQ)
(6) 熱像儀(Infrared Camera)
2.2.2 實驗材料與規格
(1) 絕緣膠帶(Electrical Insulation Tape)
(2) 導熱耐熱雙面膠
(3) 隔熱板(Thermal Insulation Board)
(4) 圖形化藍寶石基板(Patterned Sapphire Substrate, PSS)
(5) 銦錫氧化物(Indium Tin Oxide on Glass,)
(6) 發光二極體與封裝結構(LED Chip and Packaged Structure)
2.2.3 實驗流程
2.2.4 實驗架構與量測 放射率量測 順向偏壓法
第三章 實驗結果與討論
3.2 放射率量測結果
3.2.1 玻璃上之ITO 薄膜放射率量測
3.2.2 圖形化藍寶石基板(Patterned Sapphire Substrate, PSS)放射率量測
3.2.3 LED 晶粒表面材料之放射量測
3.3 順向偏壓法
3.3.1 Keithley 2401
(1) 校正曲線
(2) Tj vs Vf方程式
(3) Tj vs If方程式
3.3.2 多功能擷取器(DAQ)
(1) 校正曲線
(2) Tj vs Vf方程式
(3) Tj vs If方程式
3.3.3 Keithley 2401與多功能擷取器比較
3.3.4 封裝後LED晶粒表面溫度分佈
第四章 結論與未來展望
附錄B 美國材料和試驗協會ASTM E1933-99a
附錄C Gemesis Photonic藍光LED晶粒規格
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