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研究生(外文):Yen-Jen Chen
論文名稱(外文):High Speed Connector Design for Applications in Electronic Products and Mobile Base Stations
指導教授(外文):Chang-Fa Yang
口試委員(外文):Chang-Fa Yang
中文關鍵詞:高速連接器模態轉換superMHLUSB Type-CAMC
外文關鍵詞:High-speed connectorMode ConversionsuperMHLUSB Type-CAMC
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本論文提出三款可使用於電子產品與行動通訊基地台之高速連接器,分別為superMHL, USB Type-C與AMC。本研究應用電磁模擬軟體分析高速連接器之訊號傳輸特性,並協同機構工程師進行機械特性調整,以研發符合規範之高速連接器。superMHL連接器為8K超高畫質解析度顯示器與周邊設備橋接之用,透過六通道全速傳輸可達36Gbps。第二款為USB Type-C連接器,可應用於智慧型手持裝置與輕薄筆電等,此產品設計乃根據目前最新規範,其單通道傳輸速率可達10Gbps。至於AMC連接器則可應用於基地台與相關資通訊設備,單通道傳輸速率為12.5Gbps,本研究針對其原始結構經濟效益不佳等問題進行結構修改,由時域反射阻抗與頻域散射參數量測來分析驗證之。本論文所提出三款高速連接器設計目前正導入相關產品應用中,將可提升高速訊號傳輸品質。
This thesis proposes three high speed connector designs for applications in electronic products and mobile base stations, respectively. First, introduced the basic structure of the connector and the industry commonly used process, than introduced the basic concept of the connector design through the transmission line theory. Electromagnetic analysis contains adjust impedance matching by using the time domain reflectometry and the frequency domain which include signal integrity, transmission loss, crosstalk, mode conversion, etc. This study using electromagnetic simulation software for structural analysis before manufacture and work in coordination with work in coordination with the mechanical engineer for tune the mechanical properties in order to develop the product which satisfy the specification. The first design, superMHL, which is connect between Ultra HD resolution displays and its peripherals, through 6 channels its full-speed transmission speed is up to 36Gbps. The second design is USB Type-C, which is design for smart phones or notebook, etc. This design is based on “USB 3.1 Gen 2,” which has a data rate of 10Gbps. In this thesis, specifically focus on the mode conversion problems and describe its solution. Last design is AMC connector which is design for the base station, its transmission speed is up to 12.5Gbps. This design is based on the original structure have poor economic problems, in this study was also conducted tine domain and frequency domain measurements, includes impedance, reflect coefficient, transmission coefficient and crosstalk. All the frequency measurements is based on the TRL calibration. The proposed concept of this thesis expect apply to future high-speed connector design.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 章節概述 3
第二章 連接器概論 4
2.1前言 4
2.2 連接器結構 4
2.2.1 塑膠主體 4
2.2.2 端子 5
2.2.3 外殼 5
2.3 連接器製作與焊接 6
2.4 連接器的分類 7
2.5 連接器未來趨勢 8
第三章 高速電路理論 9
3.1 前言 9
3.2 特性阻抗與時域反射阻抗 9
3.3 差模訊號與共模訊號 12
3.3.1 差模(奇模)特性阻抗 14
3.3.2 共模(偶模)特性阻抗 16
3.3.4 差模與共模訊號討論 18
3.4頻寬與脈衝上升時間 19
3.5 阻抗匹配與時域反射原理 20
3.6 傳輸損耗 24
3.7 串音干擾 26
3.8 傳輸延遲與偏移 28
3.9 結論 29
第四章 superMHL高速連接器設計 30
4.1 前言 30
4.2 superMHL連接器規範與架構 31
4.2.1 機械架構與特性規範 31
4.2.2 電氣規範 35
4.3 superMHL連接器模擬分析 36
4.3.1 公端與直角式母端分析 38
4.3.2 公端與直立式母端分析 51
4.4 結論 60
第五章 USB Type-C高速連接器設計 61
5.1 前言 61
5.2 USB Type-C連接器規範與架構 62
5.2.1 機械架構與特性規範 63
5.2.2 電氣規範 66
5.3 USB Type-C模擬分析 68
5.4 結論 112
第六章 AMC高速連接器設計 113
6.1 前言 113
6.2 AMC連接器規範與架構 113
6.3 AMC連接器模擬分析 114
6.4 AMC量測分析 120
6.4.1 時域量測分析 121
6.4.2 頻域量測分析 121
6.5 結論 128
第七章 結論 129
參考文獻 130
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