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研究生(外文):CHI-YOU TSAI
論文名稱(外文):Antenna Design for a Bluetooth Module and Anti-Collision Radar System
指導教授(外文):Chang-Fa Yang
口試委員(外文):Chang-Fa Yang
外文關鍵詞:bluetoothinverted-F antennaanti-collision radarseries feedcircular polarization
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本論文包含2.4 GHz藍芽模組與24 GHz防撞雷達系統之天線設計兩個主軸,其中所設計2.4 GHz天線乃內建於藍芽模組並整合至LED燈泡中,而防撞雷達天線設計則是應用於汽車盲點偵測。首先提出一款微型化藍芽感測模組倒F天線,以將藍芽感測模組置入於LED燈泡機構中,此模組設計相當小巧與低剖面而不致影響燈泡的照明,並且天線仍可具有良好輻射效率。至於防撞雷達天線則操作於24 GHz毫米波頻段,其中應用串列式的饋入方式來設計兩款毫米波陣列天線,以獲得適用於汽車盲點偵測之天線場型。此兩款防撞雷達天線均是以貼片作為天線單元,分別為線性極化與圓極化設計,並且具有高增益與良好輻射效能。
In this thesis, the antennas to be applied in bluetooth module and Anti-collision radar system are proposed. Firstly, the bluetooth antenna must have good radiation efficiency and omni-directional radiation patterns. Secondly, In consideration of the application environments, the antennas for radar system must have high gain and the patterns need to be wide angle of coverage.
First part of this thesis, the antenna of 2.4 GHz Bluetooth sensor module which embedded in LED (Light Emitting Diode), in order not to affect the light of LED, a low profile antenna design design is needed. For this demand, inverted-F antenna structures are studied to design the module antenna in this research. Further, three-dimesional antenna structure with air between the elements is applied to have good antenna radiation efficiency.
In the second part, the anti-collision radar antenna size is 60 × 80 × 0.508 mm3, operating at millimeter wave frequcncy so antenna design on the low loss substruct Rogers 4350. According to array theorem, we can get higher gain by using series feed 8 antenna elements. Two types antenna are proposed, one of them by suppressing sidelobe to reduce the reflection from ground plane, another is using the characteristic of circular polarization. Both of them have high gain and directional patterns.
摘要 I
誌謝 III
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 章節概述 4
第二章 藍芽模組天線設計與分析 5
2.1 前言 5
2.2 藍芽模組天線設計 6
2.3 藍芽模組天線參數分析 10
2.4 控制器天線模擬與量測結果 14
2.5 小結 18
第三章 應用於防撞雷達系統之天線設計 19
3.1 前言 19
3.2 串列式貼片天線陣列 20
3.2.1天線架構及其工作原理 20
3.2.2矩形貼片天線陣列原始結構變化之參數分析 24
3.2.3矩形貼片天線陣列結構之演進 27
3.2.4串列式貼片天線陣列模擬與量測結果 31
3.2.5串列式貼片天線陣列調整模擬結果 41
3.3 串列式圓極化貼片天線陣列 47
3.3.1 串列式圓極化貼片天線陣列設計 47
3.3.2 串列式圓極化貼片天線陣列模擬與量測結果 52
3.3.3 串列式圓極化貼片天線陣列調整模擬結果 59
3.4 小結 62
第四章 結論 63
參考文獻 64
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