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研究生(外文):Da-Cheng Lin
論文名稱(外文):Unit Commitment of Energy Storage Devices of Microgrid Based on Master Slave Control by Application of Artificial Bee Colony
指導教授(外文):Ming-Tse Kuo
口試委員(外文):Ming-Tse Kuo
外文關鍵詞:microgriddistributed energy resourcemaster-slave controlartificial bee colony
  • 被引用被引用:2
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This thesis aims to explore various operating situations in the microgrid based on the master-slave control and self-healing of microgrid after fault detections. Using artificial bee colony algorithm developed scheduling strategies of the energy storage devices to meet the needs of the local power grid. The microgrid models in this thesis were referred to 380V low voltage microgrids in Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, AEC, EY. Matlab/Simulink simulation software was selected to establish the microgrid models which include the following features. It can simulate the characteristics of output variation power in the DER and a variety of operation modes in microgrids which include grid connected mode, islanding mode and switching from grid connected mode to islanding mode. A lot of operating mode will face many times of grid connected and disconnected operations. The disturbance generated by DER will effectively be reduced by using adjustments of voltage, frequency and phase angle. Furthermore, when the main grid disconnected with a microgrid, the point of common coupling will be detected by using adjusted internal power supply in microgrid to decrease power flow to zero. It will reduce the disturbance caused by disconnection. In addition, when a fault point was detected and automatic recovery and fault isolating was operated, the area affected by the fault can be reduced so non-fault regions can quickly be restored. Thus, self-healing functions can be achieved. The artificial bee colony algorithm was applied to operation scheduling strategies of the energy storage devices. In order to meet several needs of the energy storage devices, establishing many assessment indicators assessed the pros and cons of scheduled algorithms. Finally, experimental results show that storage equipment controlled by the artificial bee colony algorithm can satisfy needs of variety characteristics in microgrids. It can reduce peak loads in critical periods and keep the system reliability.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 XI
1. 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 文獻探討 1
1.2.1 研究目標與方法 2
1.3 論文架構 3
2. 第二章 微電網 4
2.1 微電網的背景及簡介 4
2.1.1 智慧電網(Smart Grid)的定義 4
2.1.2 微電網(Microgrid)的定義 5
2.1.3 分散式能源(Distributed Energy Resource, DER) 5
2.1.4 儲能設備(Energy Storage) 5
2.2 微電網在各國的發展狀況 6
2.2.1 美國微電網的發展概況及近期相關計畫 6
2.2.2 歐盟微電網的發展概況及近期相關計畫 10
2.2.3 日本微電網的發展概況及近期相關計畫 12
2.3 微電網的特性 15
2.4 微電網的好處 16
2.4.1 微電網帶給主電網的好處 16
2.4.2 微電網帶給用戶的好處 17
2.5 微電網的架構 17
3. 第三章 微電網的控制策略與模型建立 19
3.1 前言 19
3.2 主從控制法( Master-Slave Operation ) 20
3.3 多重主從控制法( Multi-Master-Slave Operation ) 21
3.4 微電網Matlab/Simulink模型建立 23
3.5 Inverter之設計 25
3.5.1 儲能設備參數 25
3.5.2 qd0 靜止座標軸轉換 26
3.5.3 角度估測 27
3.5.4 頻率估測 27
3.5.5 qd0 靜止座標軸與任意旋轉座標軸轉換 28
3.5.6 Inverter輸入參數 29
3.5.7 LC濾波電路 30
3.5.8 Inverter併網電壓、頻率、相位調節 31
3.5.9 微電網運轉模式 32
3.5.10 從屬電流源(Slave Current Source)之控制策略 33
3.5.11 主控電壓源(Master Voltage Source)之控制策略 35
3.5.12 Matlab / Simulink Inverter 控制方塊 35
4. 第四章 微電網運轉及故障復原 37
4.1 微電網於各種運轉模式模擬分析 37
4.2 微電網故障及自癒 46
4.3 微電網故障恢復模擬結果與分析 51
5. 第五章 應用蜂群演算法於儲能設備運轉排程策略 54
5.1 前言 54
5.2 運用面積方法 55
5.3 運用搬運方法 57
5.3.1 搬運流程 57
5.3.2 電量終值 58
5.3.3 除錯 59
5.3.4 實際需求 60
5.3.5 充電限制問題 61
5.4 評估指標 63
5.5 人工蜂群演算法(Artificial Bee Colony, ABC) 66
5.5.1 前言 66
5.5.2 搬運選擇 67
5.5.3 程式流程 67
5.6 實驗模擬結果 72
5.6.1 無功率限制條件下 72
5.6.2 於功率限制條件下 78
6. 第六章 結論與未來展望 84
6.1 結論 84
6.2 未來展望 85
參考文獻 86
附錄A 89
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