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研究生(外文):Zih-Jhe Huang
論文名稱(外文):Using Wavelet Transform and Neural Network for High Impedance Faults Detection on Overhead Distribution Feeders
指導教授(外文):Jyh-Cherng Gu
口試委員(外文):Jyh-Cherng Gu
外文關鍵詞:high impedance detectionwavelet transformfeeder terminal unit
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Along with the development of urban or suburban areas, the scale of electrical infrastructure which mainly as overhead distribution line has been gradually expanded. Unfortunately, the overhead distribution line may broke or falling down due to natural disaster, environmental issues, material degradation or human error. However, the fault current is mainly dependent on grounding impedance characteristics. Most of time the current is so small that the fault condition shall hard to detect by exists protection relay. Usually, the falling down conductor may create an arcing once touch with ground. This arcing would danger living life or cause fire.
This thesis has been successfully developed an intelligent high impedance fault (HIF) detector for using in Feeder Terminal Unit (FTU). Generally, the zero-sequence current (3I0) is introduced to detecting HIFs. The wavelet transform is used for analyzing HIF feature signal and the back-propagation neural network is used for identification. If the HIF is detected by detector, the FTU will issue an identified signal and transmitted it to the remote side of distribution control center. As a result, not only the HIF fault can be detected but also the fault zone also will be located.
First of all, the intelligent HIF detector will be intensively trained by using some of actual test data in field and Matlab/Simulink simulation data. Then, The Matlab/Simulink simulation and Doble waveform reproducer are introduced to reproduce the recorded waveform of actual HIF grounding fault current for test. Finally, the test results show that the intelligent HIF detector can accurately detect various type of HIF grounding fault with high accuracy. It proves that the proposed detector have highly application value.
摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 文獻探討 1
1.3 研究方法 3
1.4 論文架構 4
第二章 配電系統架空饋線保護方式 5
2.1 前言 5
2.2 配電電網之架構 5
2.3 國內架空被覆線路保護方式 7
2.4 國外架空被覆線路保護方式 10
2.4.1 機構式 10
2.4.2 電氣式 11
2.4.3 數位啟發式 12 專家系統 12 基因演算法 14 時頻分析演算法 15
2.5 其他高阻抗偵測演算法 17
2.6 本章小結 19
第三章 高阻抗故障偵測 21
3.1 前言 21
3.2 高阻抗故障之電氣特性 21
3.3 取樣定理[33] 22
3.4 小波轉換法 23
3.4.1 原理 23
3.4.2 連續與離散小波 25
3.4.3 小波轉換種類 27
3.5 人工神經網路 29
3.5.1 原理 29
3.5.2 神經網路種類 33 倒傳遞神經網路 34 霍普菲爾神經網路 38 幅狀基底函數神經網路 40
3.6 應用於高阻抗特徵訊號 42
3.7 本章小結 46
第四章 饋線末端自動化偵測系統 47
4.1 前言 47
4.2 饋線自動化功能概述 47
4.3 饋線自動化系統設備與機制介紹 50
4.4 改良型FTU應用於高阻抗故障偵測 57
4.4.1 改良型FTU之DSP硬體介紹 57
4.4.2 改良型FTU之DSP軟體介紹 62
4.5 本章小結 66
第五章 高阻抗故障偵測器驗證 67
5.1 前言 67
5.2 環境測試平台之架設 67
5.3 高阻抗故障資料來源簡介 69
5.3.1 商品化電驛於高阻抗故障功能之實測 70
5.3.2 應用Matlab/simulink於模擬系統之建立 72
5.3.3 高阻抗故障偵測器於測試系統之建立 75
5.4 測試結果 76
5.4.1 商品化電驛實測結果 76
5.4.2 Matlab/simulink模擬訊號實測結果 83
5.4.3 高阻抗故障偵測器實測結果 84
5.5 本章小結 89
第六章 結論與未來方向 90
6.1 結論 90
6.2 未來研究方向 90
參考文獻 92
附錄 A COMTRADE格式轉檔流程[60] 98
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