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研究生(外文):Chi-Lin Huang
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of a High Power Three-Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverter
指導教授(外文):Chung-Ming Young
口試委員(外文):Chung-Ming Young
外文關鍵詞:three-level inverterdiode-clamp inverterinfinite state model predict control
  • 被引用被引用:1
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This thesis presents the development of a 50-kilowatt three-level diode-clamp inverter. The implementation of this high power inverter includes a main power stage, modified gate-trig circuits, a DSP-based digital controller. Moreover, the thermal analysis of a forced-air-cooling sink is investigated for full-power operation. Multi-level inverters are superior to traditional two-level structures, such as less losses, lower harmonics and voltage stress, resulting in better performance. In this thesis, the inverter is designed to drive a high-power high-torque serve motor with 50-kW rated power by current control method. Thus, two current control strategies, linear current control and infinite state model predict control, are employed to achieve the control goal, in which 400Hz bandwidth and 100% over load capability are required.
The two control strategies are implemented by two DSP controllers, TMS320F28069 and TMS320F28335, respectively. For dealing with the high power requirement, the layout of the main power stage is designed carefully. The inductance-free bus is used to reduce the voltage spike posed on the switches, and the modified gate-trig circuits are used to drive the high-current-rating IGBT devices properly. All these efforts prove the stability of the inverter which can operate at full power for more than two hour, even it is only a prototype. Taking the advantages of the 3-level structure, the inverter provides very high efficiency over the full operation range with the highest 98.6%. Finally, both simulation and experiment results demonstrate that the inverter not only meets the design requirement but also operates with well performance.
第一章 緒論1
1.2 系統描述與研究方法2
第二章 三階變流器架構與分析4
2.1 前言4
2.2 三階飛輪電容式變流器4
2.3 三階H橋式變流器6
2.4 三階二極體箝位式變流器 8
2.5 T形主動箝位式變流器9
第三章 三階二極體箝位式變流器分析12
3.1 前言12
3.2 三階二極體箝位式變流器變流器脈寬調變法12
3.2.1 正弦脈波寬度調變12
3.2.2 空間向量調變法14
3.2.3 特定諧波消除調變法21
3.3 中性點電位分析與補償22
3.3.2 零相序電壓補償法27
3.3.3 基於空間向量調變之中性點電位變化量與補償28
3.4 系統損耗35
3.4.1 三階二極體箝位式變流器導通損失35
3.4.2 三階二極體箝位式變流器切換損失38
3.4.3 三階二極體箝位式變流器電容損失42
3.5 電流控制策略47
3.5.1 線性電流控制47
3.5.2 模型預測控制48
第四章 硬體架構與軟體規劃57
4.1 前言57
4.2 硬體規劃57
4.3 軟體規劃66
5.1 前言69
5.2 線性電流控制模擬與實作69
5.3 有限狀態電流控制模擬79
6.1 結論85
6.2 未來研究方向85
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