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研究生(外文):Hsin-Chen Chen
論文名稱(外文):Performance Evaluation of Cloud Data Centers with Provision and Heterogeneous Virtual Machine Requirements
指導教授(外文):Shun-ping Chung
口試委員(外文):Shun-ping Chung
外文關鍵詞:cloud data centerheterogeneous VM requirementprovisionreleasing probabilityimmediate service probabilitysystem delay
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With the development of ICT industry, and the investment of cloud computing by enterprises in recent years, cloud computing has made rapid progress, and are widely used in various fields. Specifically, an Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) may provide different kinds of hardware resources to customers, e.g., CPU core, memory, disk space. More specifically, IaaS cloud providers offer customers with resources in the form of virtual machines (VMs), which are deployed on Physical Machines (PMs). In order to lower various management costs without violating Quality of Service (QoS) requirements, an effective performance evaluation scheme for IaaS is indispensable. As is well known, the analytical modeling and computer simulation are two effective assessment methods. In our work, we focus on the performance evaluation of cloud data centers with heterogeneous VM requirements. Specifically, the VM requirement of each user is between one and an upper bound. We consider two scenarios: uniform and non-uniform. For uniform scenarios, the probability that each user requests any number of VMs between one and maximum VM requirement is equal. On the other hand, for non-uniform scenarios, the probability that each user requests any number of VMs between one and maximum VM requirement is not equal. It is assumed that before occupying any VM, a user has to finish the provision stage first. A newly arrived user can enter the provision server directly only if the queue is empty and the VM requirement of the user is no greater than the number of idle VMs. Furthermore, it is assumed that a user under provision cannot occupy any VM even if there is a user departure. First, we derive the releasing probability by taking account of the VM occupancy. Then, we derive the analytical models for the system considered. An iterative algorithm is developed to find the steady state probability distribution and the performance measures of interest. The performance measures of interest include immediate service probability, loss probability, system delay, throughput, and average number in system. We study the effect of various system parameters on different performance measures. The performance comparison of uniform and non-uniform scenarios is also conducted. Last but not least, the computer simulation is written to verify the accuracy of the analytical results.
摘要 I
Contents of Tables V
Contents of Figures V
1. Introduction 1
2. System Model 3
2.1 Uniform 4
2.2 Non-uniform 4
3. Analytical Model 5
3.1 The Releasing Probability 5
3.2 The Transition Rates 8
3.2.1 Arrival 8
3.2.2 Provision Completion 9
3.2.3 Departure 10
3.3 The Balance Equations and Steady State Probabilities 11
3.4 The Performance Measures 16
4. Simulation Model 21
4.1 Main Program 21
4.1.1 Arrival 21
4.1.2 Provision 22
4.1.3 Departure 23
4.1.4 Performance Measures 23
5. Numerical Results 29
5.1 Uniform Scenarios 29
5.1.1 The Arrival Rate 29
5.1.2 The Provision Rate 32
5.1.3 The Service Rate 34
5.1.4 The Number of Servers 36
5.1.5 The Queue Size 39
5.2 Non-uniform Scenarios 41
5.2.1 The Arrival Rate 41
5.2.2 The Provision Rate 44
5.2.3 The Service Rate 45
5.2.4 The Number of Servers 47
5.2.5 The Queue Size 49
5.3 Uniform vs. Non-uniform Scenarios 51
5.3.1 The Arrival Rate 51
5.3.2 The Provision Rate 53
5.3.3 The Service Rate 55
5.3.4 The Number of Servers 57
5.3.5 The Queue Size 59
6. Conclusions 99
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