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研究生(外文):JI-YAN LIN
論文名稱(外文):Negative Impedance Converter for Mobile Phone Antenna Minimization
指導教授(外文):Hsiao-Chin Chen
口試委員(外文):Hsiao-Chin Chen
外文關鍵詞:Negative impedance circuitNon-Foster matchingImplantable biomedical applicationstransmitter
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本研究中,分為兩個部分,皆使用台積電CMOS 0.18 μm 1P6M製程來實現電路。第一個部分旨在探討負阻抗轉換器電路,因為微型化天線在近幾年被廣泛的應用於特高頻(Ultra high frequency, UHF),然而,如果使用被動Foster阻抗匹配網路來做阻抗匹配的話,天線的有效頻寬(efficiency-bandwidth)將會被限制。因此,本研究第一個議題欲透過負阻抗轉換器電路積體化解決上述問題,並分成兩個部分分析負阻抗轉換器電路,其一為應用於偶極天線的雙端負阻抗轉換器,操作頻帶為900MHz-1100MHz,使用兩組交錯耦合(Cross-coupling)電路設計而成; 其二為應用於IFA天線的單端負阻抗轉換器電路,操作頻帶為3400MHz-3800MHz。第二部份設計並實作了一個應用於生醫頻帶(MICS Band)的植入式生醫訊號量測系統。類比數位轉換器(Analog to Digital Converter)會將接收到的生理訊號作轉換,而將轉換的訊號與發射機(Transmitter)的載波結合之後得到的資料送出。此系統使用了能量獲取(Energy Harvesting)的技術來當作整體系統的電源供給,同時也使用這個信號透過注入鎖定式除頻器(Injection-Lock Frequency Divider)產生發射機的載波訊號,接著將資料透過開關調變(On-Off Keying, OOK)電路結合載波訊號再藉由功率放大器(Power Amplifier)放大。
In this thesis, the negative impedance converter (NIC) and an implantable biomedical monitoring system which are implemented by using TSMC CMOS 0.18μm 1P6M process are proposed. In recent years, antenna miniaturization has been widely used in the UHF (Ultra high frequency, UHF). The effective bandwidth of the antenna (efficiency-bandwidth) is limited by using the passive foster matching network because of the high quality factor. To tackle this problem, the two types of NIC are integrated and proposed. The differential NIC which consists of cross-coupled pairs is suitable for 0.9 GHz-1.1 GHz and applied to the dipole antenna for non-foster impedance matching. The single-ended NIC is suitable for 3.4 GHz-3.8 GHz and applied to IFA antenna for non-foster impedance matching. The implantable biomedical monitoring system comprises of the power management and the biomedical signal process. In the power management, the RF-DC converter is used to convert the RF power into the DC power required for the regulator to supply rest building blocks. In the biomedical signal process, the analog to digital converter (ADC) is used to digitalize the obtained biomedical signal. The data would be combined with the carrier from transmitter then be sent out for monitoring. The external RF power is not only applied to the power management but also the injection-lock frequency divider (ILFD) for generating a carrier of the transmitter to combine with data. Then, the data is amplified by the power amplifier (PA) with the on-off keying modulation.
目錄 i
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 簡介 1
1.2 章節簡介 3
第二章 負阻抗轉換器 4
2.1簡介 4
2.2電路原理與架構 5
2.2.1負阻抗轉換器原理 5
2.2.2雙端負阻抗轉換器 10
2.2.3單端負阻抗轉換器 12
2.3 天線介紹 14
2.3.1偶極天線與雙端負阻抗轉換器結合 14
2.3.2 IFA天線與單端負阻抗轉換器結合 17
2.4 模擬結果 18
2.4.1雙端負阻抗轉換器 18
2.4.2單端負阻抗轉換器 24
2.5結論 28
第三章 植入式生醫訊號量測系統 33
3.1簡介 33
3.2電路原理與架構 35
3.2.1射頻轉直流轉換器 35
3.2.2穩壓器 36
3.2.3除頻器 38
3.2.4功率放大器 43
3.2.5連續漸進式類比數位轉換器 45
3.2.6數位控制單元 47
3.2.7偏壓電路 48
3.3 模擬結果 51
3.3.1射頻轉直流轉換器 51
3.3.2穩壓器 52
3.3.3除頻器 53
3.3.4功率放大器 56
3.3.5發射機 58
3.3.6連續漸進式類比數位轉換器 59
3.3.7數位控制單元 60
3.4 量測結果 65
3.4.1量測環境 65
3.4.2射頻轉直流轉換器 68
3.4.3穩壓器 71
3.4.4除頻器 73
3.4.5連續漸進式類比數位轉換器 76
3.4.6生醫植入式監控系統 78
3.5結論 80
第四章 總結與未來展望 82
參考文獻 83
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