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研究生(外文):Chien-Yu Lin
論文名稱(外文):UHF Small-Scale Channel Measurement and Modeling Using Software Defined Radio Based Channel Sounder
指導教授(外文):HSIN-CHIN LIU
口試委員(外文):HSIN-CHIN LIU
外文關鍵詞:Sliding correlator channel sounderchannel measurementTap delay linesmall scale fading.
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本論文開發一展頻滑動相關器之通道量測器,且使用互相關特性較佳之 Kasami序列做為展頻碼,實現其系統於軟體無線電平台上,用於本論文之通道量測實驗。歸功於軟體無線電技術,其量測系統可以隨意的調整操作頻率及展頻碼等等參數的優點,使得通道的量測能依照各個量測環境特性而進行彈性的修正。
本論文呈現於900MHz UHF 頻段的室內通道量測之研究成果,並針對其量測環境之功率延遲分佈及 RMS 延遲分佈等等通道特性進行分析及討論。
根據量測結果,本論文提出了以 Tap delay line 方法為依據的室內 UHF 小尺度衰落通道模型;本論文也提供了其通道模型的模擬結果與實驗數據的分析比較。
Recently wireless communications have been used pervasively in various environments. To make the best use of these applications, it is important to study the propagation channels corresponding these scenarios.
Generally, it requires massive measurement and analytical statistical data analysis to obtain comprehensive channel state information and to build an approximate channel model.
In this work, we develop a sliding correlator based channel sounder with Kasami sequences over a software defined radio platform, which is used in our channel measurement. Thanks to the software defined radio technology, the channel sounder has advantages of changing operation frequencies and spreading sequences, which is very convenient for channel measurement in various environments.
This thesis presents some measurement results of 900MHz UHF band indoor propagation, and their corresponding channel characteristics including power delay profile and RMS delay spread.
An indoor UHF small scale fading channel model in terms of tap delay line fashion is proposed based on the measurement results. Comparisons of computer simulation results using the channel model and the experimental data are also provided in this thesis.
第1章 序論
1.1 研究目的與動機
1.2 章節概要
第2章 文獻探討
2.1 小尺度通道衰落模型
2.1.1 多重路徑強度分佈
2.1.2 以時域探討因多重路徑引起的小尺度衰落通道
2.1.3 以頻域探討因多重路徑引起的小尺度衰落通道
2.2 通道量測方法
2.2.1 直接射頻脈波系統(Direct RF Pulse System)
2.2.2 頻域通道量測 (Frequency Domain Channel Sounding)
2.2.3 展頻滑動相關器通道量測(Spread Spectrum Sliding Correlator Channel Sounding)
2.3 通道量測系統概述
2.3.1 展頻碼介紹
2.3.2 多重路徑偵測方法
第3章 通道量測系統與分析方法
3.1 通道量測系統
3.1.1 Kasami code
3.1.2 滑動相關器架構
3.2 通道量測方法
3.3 數據分析建模
3.3.1 數據驗證
3.3.2 利用離散傅立葉轉換之頻譜分析
3.3.3 參數建模(parametric modeling)
3.3.4 功率延遲分佈估測
3.3.5 小尺度衰落通道模型
3.3.6 Tap Delay Line通道建模
第4章 通道量測及分析結果
4.1 量測環境、系統及參數設置
4.2 量測結果
4.2.1 功率延遲分佈分析
4.3 通道量測分析
4.3.1 小尺度衰落通道模型
4.4 TDL分析
第5章 通道建模模擬與驗證
5.1 通道數據分析
5.2 通道建模
5.3 建模通道模擬
5.4 通道驗證
第6章 結論與未來研究方向
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