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研究生:I Wayan Dani Pranata
研究生(外文):I Wayan Dani Pranata
論文名稱(外文):Development of a Powered Trans-Femoral Prosthesis Leg Prototype with Hip Angle Features Utilization to Generate a Natural Walking Gait Motion
指導教授(外文):Chung-Hsien Kuo
口試委員(外文):Chung-Hsien Kuo
外文關鍵詞:transfemoral prosthesis legswing-phase recognition based hip angle decelerahip angle featuresnatural gait
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The ability of a powered transfemoral prosthesis leg to perform a natural walking gait has been widely developed. Various kinds of control systems and mechanical structures have been implemented to achieve high performance in performing a natural walking gait. This thesis, developed and designed a powered transfemoral prosthesis leg prototype for above-knee amputee patients. This prosthesis used a linear actuator based four-bar linkage mechanism to drive the knee angle. An Inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensor was placed above the knee joint of the prosthesis to read the hip angle data of the subject, which is the main information for the system to calculate knee angle target. The received hip angle data, then processed to obtain some required features such as angle, peak to peak angle, deceleration, period, and angular velocity of the hip angle. Those features are then used to calculate the knee angle target for the prosthesis. Once the knee angle target specified, the combination of proportional integral derivative (PID) control and feedback knee angle from absolute encoder is used to control the movement of knee angle to achieve the predetermined target angle. The performance of the prosthesis was tested by real walking simulation conducted by an able-bodied subject. The thigh part of the prosthesis was connected to the thigh of the subject in parallel position through an aluminum bar. In the experiment the subject was walking on a powered treadmill to control the thigh motion of the prosthesis with three different walking speeds: 50cm/s, 60cm/s, and 70cm/s. The experiment results showed that the prosthesis was able to perform natural walking gait motion similar as the subject’s walking gait motion at the same time; and also the motion speed of the prosthesis was able to adapt the different walking speeds of the subject without changing any parameters value. Some simulation results using artificial neural network (ANN) algorithm in Matlab software were added as comparison. The root mean square error (RMSE) method was used to evaluate the performance of the prosthesis, the results showed that the faster walking speed of the subject, the higher its RMSE value. The higher RMSE value of the implemented algorithm in the prosthesis was 13.0º, when the walking speed the of subject is 70cm/s, this error also caused by the initial value difference between prosthesis’ knee angle and subject’s knee angle, this value’s difference was around 6.6º; and the higher RMSE value of the ANN simulation result was 4.4º for 70cm/s walking speed. The maximum knee angle performed by the prosthesis during the experiment was 60º from 90º range of motion.
Table of Contents
Master’s Thesis Recommendation Form i
Qualification Form by Master’s Degree Examination Committee ii
Acknowledgment iii
Abstract iv
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables viii
List of Figures ix
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Prosthesis Leg 1
1.2 Motivation 2
1.3 Objective 3
1.4 Organization of the Thesis 4
Chapter 2 Literature Review and Basic Theories 5
2.1 Related Works 5
2.2 Hardware and Devices 7
2.2.1 Electronic devices 7
2.2.2 Mechanical parts 12
2.3 Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) Control 14
2.4 Low-Pass Discrete Filtering 17
2.5 Natural Walking Gait 19
Chapter 3 System Design and Algorithm Implementation 22
3.1 Mechanical Design 22
3.1.1 Mechanical structure 22
3.1.2 Mechanical design specification 25
3.2 System Architecture 26
3.2.1 Input process 28
3.2.2 Signal processing 29
3.2.3 Generation process of knee angle target and maximum limit speed for DC motor. 29
3.2.4 Controlling process 29
3.2.5 Monitoring or feedback 30
3.3 Electronics Design 30
3.4 Kinematics of the Prosthesis Leg 31
3.4.1 Joints and links of the prosthesis leg 31
3.4.2 Kinematics calculation 33
3.5 Basic-concept of the Algorithm to Generate Knee Angle Target 41
3.5.1 Related processes in generating knee angle target 43
Chapter 4 Experimental Setup 48
4.1 Environment Setup 48
4.2 Treadmill Speed Setup 49
4.3 Parameters Setup 49
4.4 Motion Capture and Marker Positioning 56
Chapter 5 Experimental Result 58
5.1 Experiment Process 58
5.2 Parameter’s Value Comparison (From Theory and Real Tuning) 58
5.3 Experimental Result from Internal Prosthesis and Motion Capture Device 60
5.3.1 Initial angle of the knees 61
5.3.2 Walking speed 50cm/s (0.55 stride/s), CMlim = 50, CAknee = 1.8 62
5.3.3 Walking speed 60cm/s (0.6 stride/s), CMlim = 50, CAknee = 1.8 64
5.3.4 Walking speed 70cm/s (0.65 stride/s), CMlim = 50, CAknee = 1.8 65
5.3.5 Root mean square error (RMSE) value of the knee angle 66
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Works 69
References 71
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