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研究生(外文):Wei-Hao Geng
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Biodegradable Multilayer Thin Film for Biomedical Stent
指導教授(外文):Fuh-Yu Chang
口試委員(外文):Fuh-Yu Chang
外文關鍵詞:Biodegradable PolymerMultilayer Thin FilmBiliary Stent
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Currently in the study of bile duct carcinoma, biliary stenosis is the biggest problem by tumor in the bile duct, and biliary stent as one way of treatment, then it may happen restenosis phenomenon when you place the biliary stent. In this view point, we present the study to explore using multi-layered biodegradable film to improve this problem.
In this research, in order to improve when placing biliary stent may occur restenosis phenomenon, we explore the self-cleaning properties of multilayer film and the method of fabricating the multilayer film. Therefore, this study divided into two parts to research this purpose. The first part is using a shuttle dipping method to fabricate each layer of polymer film, and this process is good for film thickness and uniformity control, and then using different characteristics in degradation rate of each layer, so that bottom film rapidly degraded, resulting a slow degradation of the upper layer loss the support then peel off to achieve the purpose of self-cleaning film. Among the part of multilayer film degradation experiment, we dip the PLGA on the hydrocolloids to verity the self-cleaning by multilayer in the short time.
The second part is to explore the microstructure fabrication by circular imprint methods. First, we use silicon linear microstructure master and electroforming method to fabricate flexible molds, then use a nitinol spring to carry on a circular thermal imprint. It successfully makes circular structures on a 30um thickness PLGA film, and the experimental results indicate the special circular imprint process with duration 20 minutes, temperature 85C and pressure 0.04Mpa can achieve the transfer rate by 90.01%. The second is to explore the feasibility of using PDMS soft mold of endless transfer by hydrocolloids. The results confirmed that the circular PDMS structure can be transferred to circular hydrocolloids structure, even the rate reach 97.7%. This part achieves the fabrication of degradable circular structure. The two methods could be applied to fabricate microstructure circular membranes for biomedical stents in the future.
第一章 、緒論
1-1 研究背景
1-2 研究動機與目的
1-3 論文架構
2-1 聚氨酯(Polyurethane,PU)簡介
2-1-1 PU 基本結構
2-1-2 PU合成方法
2-3-1 光學活性
2-3-2 分子量
2-3-3 生物可降解性質
2-4 微/奈米轉印技術
2-7 鎳鈦合金材料介紹
2-8 鎳鈦合金熱處理
3-2-1 微/奈米轉印機台
3-2.-2 真空熱壓機
3-2-3 光纖雷射系統
3-2-4 擴張設備
3-2-5 壓縮設備
3-2-6 熱風循環烘箱 (Cyclic Oven)
3-3-1 光學顯微鏡 (Optical Microscope, OM)
3-3-2 Z軸量測平台
3-3-3 掃描式電子顯微鏡
3-3-4 綠光表面干涉儀(CCI)
3-3-4 精密量測天平(Analytical Balances)
4-1 PU材料製備跟改質測試
4-1-1 材料性質
4-1-2 以交叉dipping法製作PU薄膜
4-1-3 PU/PEG共混薄膜製作
4-1-4 PU-HDMI接枝PEG
4-1-5 PU薄膜表面親水性量測
4-2 PLGA材料及實驗製備
4-2-1 材料性質
4-2-2 以交叉Dipping法製作PLGA membrane
4-2-3 PU/PLGA 薄膜均勻度和厚度量測
4-3 多層膜結構降解實驗
4-3-1 水膠-PLGA薄膜降解
4-3-2 PLGA薄膜降解
4-3-3 PU-PLGA-PLA降解
4-4-3 PU-PLGA壓印
4-4-4 轉寫率評估方式
4-5 環形熱壓轉印實驗
4-5-1 轉印環形模具
4-5-3 環形熱壓轉印製程
4-6 環形轉印實驗
4-6-1 PDMS材料與製備介紹
4--2 環形轉印實驗流程
5-1 PU薄膜改質水接觸角量測
5-2 PU-PLGA薄膜均勻度和厚度量測
5-2-1 PU/PLGA薄膜均勻度測試結果
5-2-2 交叉沉浸厚度之推算
5-3 多層膜降解分析與討論
5-3-1 水膠-PLGA降解實驗結果
5-3-1 PU-PLGA薄膜降解實驗結果
5-3-2 PU-PLGA-PLA薄膜降解實驗結果
5-4 熱壓結果與討論
5-4-2 PLGA薄膜壓印結果與討論
5-5 環形熱壓印結果討論與分析
5-5-2 環形熱壓轉印結果討論
5-6 PDMS環形轉印結果討論
5-6-1 PDMS環形轉印轉印實驗分析
6-1 結論
6-2 未來展望
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