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研究生(外文):Shu-Yu Chen
論文名稱(外文):Animal model for The Study of Non-Invasive Compartment Pressure Measurement
指導教授(外文):Fuh-Yu Chang
口試委員(外文):Fuh-Yu Chang
外文關鍵詞:compartment syndromemobile appfinite element method
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Compartment syndrome is mainly due to bone fracture, crushing injury, burns, arterial injury, annular gypsum cylinder…etc. Once it happens, debridement will be probably conducted and in the worst case, the patient will be amputated or even lead to death. To develop non-invasive compartment pressure measuring system for preventing patients who have a higher risk of compartment syndrome is the purpose of this study.
In this study, a dedicated IOS mobile app was developed for the compartment pressure measuring system. Combining the developed mobile app, flexible sensors arranged outside the injured area, and a developed finite element modelling, the compartment pressure in each compartment of injured area can be achieved by our non-invasive compartment pressure measuring system. Experiments were conducted on the pig foreleg, due to its similar structure to human leg. In our study water was injected into the compartments of pig foreleg to achieve the rising compartment pressure conditions. Then, the pressure distribution outside the foreleg was measured immediately by the flexible sensors. A finite element modelling dedicated to pig foreleg was also developed to know the relation between the compartment pressure and the measured pressure outside the leg. Finally, experiment and simulation results were compared in order to improve the developed simulation model.
The animal model study indicates our non-invasive compartment pressure measuring system is available to make reliable judgment of patient’s compartment pressure. It could be very helpful to allow physicians to do preventive treatment in advance to avoid compartment syndrome and related complications.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XV
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究動機與目的 2
1.3論文架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 腔室症候群 5
2.1.1造成腔室症候群的原因 5
2.1.2腔室症候群的症狀和徵象 6
2.1.3非侵入式測量方法 7
2.1.4侵入式測量方法 10
2.1.5腔室症候群的合併症 11
2.1.6腔室症候群的治療 11
2.2 App 13
2.2.1IOS作業系統 14
2.2.2IOS程式語言-Swift 14
2.3 撓性壓力感測器 15
2.3.1 撓性壓力感測器基本規格 15
2.3.2 撓性壓力感測器工作特性 17
2.3.3 撓性壓力感測器應用 18
第三章 程式系統架構與設計 20
3.1 Xcode開發環境 20
3.2系統架構 22
3.3登入系統 23
3.4 使用說明 26
3.5 個人資料 28
3.6 關於微奈米製造研究中心 29
3.7 量測系統 30
3.7.1 藍芽連結 31
3.7.2 壓力顯示 32
3.8 後端處理 33
第四章 豬體實驗規劃 37
4.1實驗豬隻簡介 37
4.1.1 豬腳解剖 39
4.1.2 豬腳腔室 40
4.1.3豬腳腔室注水試驗 41
4.2 量測裝置 42
4.2.1 壓力感測器 42
4.2.2 感測頭 43
4.3 豬腳腔室壓力測量實驗 44
4.3.1注水 47
第五章 模擬規劃 51
5.1工程分析 52
5.2豬前腿模擬 52
5.2.1建立二維模型 53
5.2.2建立有限元素模型 54
5.2.3材料參數設定 55
5.2.4邊界條件設定 59
5.2.5負荷條件設定 61
第六章模擬與實驗結果討論 65
6.1 豬腳之腔室壓力變化實驗量測結果 65
6.2豬腳之腔室壓力模擬結果 69
6.2.1腔室加壓0.0064 MPa模擬與實驗結果比較 70
6.2.2腔室加壓0.0110 MPa模擬與實驗結果比較 72
6.2.3腔室加壓0.0154 MPa模擬與實驗結果比較 74
6.2.4實驗模擬結果整理與討論 76
6.4實驗數據 80
6.4.1實驗數據帶入豬腿模擬結果整理 82
6.4.2實驗數據帶入豬腿模擬結果討論 84
第七章 結論與未來展望 86
7.1 結論 86
7.2 未來展望 88
參考文獻 89
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