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研究生(外文):Yu-Chun Hung
論文名稱(外文):Design of a Novel Gravity Balancer Based on Cardan Gear Mechanism
指導教授(外文):Chin-Hsing Kuo
口試委員(外文):Chin-Hsing Kuo
外文關鍵詞:straight-line mechanismstatically balanced mechanismgravity compensationlocking mechanism
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Cardan齒輪機構是一種知名的齒輪傳動直線機構(straight-line mechanism),本研究以Cardan齒輪機構為基礎,提出一種新型彈簧式重力平衡器。我們將補償重力用的彈簧安裝在Cardan齒輪機構的直線運動軌跡上,以及透過一速比為2:1的行星齒輪系,將掛有負載的旋轉桿件運動,轉換為彈簧的直線拉伸運動。本設計有幾大創新處:

(1) 本設計概念使用實際彈簧,非理想之零自由長度彈簧;
(2) 彈簧可直接安裝於接頭或某一桿件內,毋須橫跨兩桿件,以避免不必要的干涉;
(3) 全機構僅使用旋轉接頭與齒輪接頭,無摩擦力較大的接頭 (例如:滑行對);
(4) 機構質量於平衡器運動過程中不影響重力補償效果,即機構為理論上的完美重力平衡 (perfectly gravity balanced)。

This thesis proposes a novel spring-based gravity balancer by using the well-known Cardan gear straight-line mechanism. The spring for gravity compensation is installed along the straight-line trajectory of the Cardan gear. On the other hand, a planetary gear train with a speed ratio of 2:1 is integrated to the Cardan gear to convert the rotary motion of the payload link to the stretching of the spring. It is interesting to note that the proposed design concept is featured by:

(1) The spring used is practical one. The ideal zero-free-length spring, as adopted in many existing designs, is not considered here;
(2) The spring is installed either in a joint or a link for avoiding the unnecessary interferences;
(3) The mechanism has revolute and gear joints only, where the high-friction joints, e.g., the prismatic joints, are not used;
(4) The link masses of the mechanism do not affect the balancing performance so that the mechanism including the mass itself is perfectly gravity balanced.

We further extended this concept to design a 2-DoF Cardan-gear-based gravity balancer. In addition, we combined the proposed balancer with locking mechanism for avoiding the movement that may be induced by accidentally collision. To validate the proposed concept, we simulated it in ADAMS and confirmed that the total potential energy of the mechanism remains the same in any configuration. Last, we built a test rig for studying the accuracy of the gravity compensation by the prototype of the 1-DoF balancer.
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Motivations and Objectives
1.2 Literatures Review
1.3 Thesis Organization
Chapter 2 Novel Gravity Balancers Based on Inverted Cardan Gear Mechanism
2.1 Cardan Gear Mechanism
2.2 An 1-DoF Gravity Balancer
2.3 A 2-DoF Gravity Balancer
2.4 Augmentation of Spring Elongation
2.5 Design Examples 26
2.6 Computer Simulation
2.7 Summary
Chapter 3 Static Analysis
3.1 Kinematic Analysis
3.2 Force Analysis
3.3 Summary

Chapter 4 Lockable Gravity Balancers
4.1 Locking Mechanisms
4.2 A 1-DoF Lockable Cardan-Gear-Based Gravity Balancer
4.3 Summary
Chapter 5 Prototype and Experiment
5.1 Experiment Method
5.2 Experiment Platform
5.3 Results and Discussions
5.4 Summary 62
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Works
6.1 Conclusions
6.2 Future Works
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