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研究生(外文):Chih-Yang Chen
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Fly Ash Contents on Durability Properties of No-Cement Eco-Binder Concrete
指導教授(外文):Ta-Peng Chang
口試委員(外文):Ta-Peng Chang
外文關鍵詞:CFBC ashslagfly ashdurabilityno-cement binder
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無水泥生態混凝土膠結材由循環式流化床燃燒(circulating fluidized bed combustion_CFBC)飛灰、水淬爐石粉與F級飛灰等三種粉體材料所組成,本研究探討F級飛灰含量變化對無水泥生態混凝土耐久性質之效應,CFBC飛灰成分含無水石膏與生石灰,與水反應後產生鈣礬石和C-S-H膠體,提供混凝土強度,但含量過多也會產生膨脹,造成混凝土體積不穩定,降低混凝土耐久性,本研究固定水膠比(w/cm) 0.3,以五種比例飛灰添加量(0%、10%、20%、30%、50%),以及兩種比例CFBC灰(15%、25%)作為變數取代水淬爐石粉製作混凝土,研究混凝土新拌、硬固、耐久等工程性質,觀察添加不同含量飛灰所產生之效應。
研究結果顯示:(1)新拌性質:飛灰取代量由0%至20%時,坍度及坍流度上升1.85%~3.7%及2.8%~22.4%;增加至30%與50%時,坍度及坍流度下降8%~10.2%及27.4%~28.9%。故工作性最佳之飛灰添加量為10%~20%。(2)硬固性質:固定15%CFBC灰含量下,隨飛灰取代量由0%增加至50%, 28天及56天抗壓強度降低7.04%~4.77%。飛灰取代量0%~30%, 28天及56天超音波波速降低0.3%~1.34%。飛灰添加量至50%時,較0%超音波波速低0.01%,在28天及56天齡期,隨飛灰取代量由0%增加50%,熱傳導係數增加20.1%及10.7%。(3)耐久性質:快速氯離子試驗,56天齡期,飛灰添加10%與20%時,通過電荷量下降34.3%與31.4%,當添加至30%與50%時通過電荷量增加42%與169%。固定15%CFBC灰含量,隨飛灰取代量0%~50%,28天及56天表面電阻值增加17.2%與3.52% 。隨著飛灰添加量增加,加壓48及72小時,深度增加282.6%~200%。 在56天齡期,由數據可看出腐蝕量最低與次低兩組配比為(a) CFBC灰取代25%與 (b)CFBC灰取代15%及飛灰取代20%,分別為OPC腐蝕量之8.4%及11.9%。
The cementitious material of the No-Cement Eco-Binder Concrete is composed of three powders, circulating fluidized bed combustion (CFBC) fly ash, ground granulate blast furnace (GGBF) slag and Class F fly ash. This research addressed the effects of various amounts of Class F fly ashes on the durability property of such concrete. The compositions of CFBC ash, anhydrous gypsum and lime, react with water to produce ettringite (Aft) and calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel to provide the concrete strength, but excessive amount will produce expansion resulting in unstable concrete volume and the reduction of the durability of concrete. This study used a fixed water-cementitious material (w/cm) ratio of 0.3, and five proportions of fly ash with (0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 50%), and two proportions of CFBC ash (15%, 25%) to replace the slag powder to make the concrete, from which the engineering properties of fresh, hardened, and durability were studied to investigate the resulting effects due to the addition of various amounts of fly ash.
The results of study show that: (1) Fresh properties. When the amount of replacement of fly ash increases from 0 to 20%, the values of slump and slump flow increase by the ranges from 1.85% to 3.7% and from 2.8% to 22.4%. When the replacement ratio increases to 30% and 50%, the values of slump and slump flow decrease by the ranges from 8% to 10.2% and from 27.4% to 28.9%. The optimal value of fly ash replacement to have good workability is from 10% to 20%. (2) Engineering properties. At fixed amount of 15% of CFBC ash together with the increase of fly ash from 0% to 50%, the compressive strengths of 28 days and 56 days reduced by 7.04% to 4.77%. When the replacement amount of fly ash from 0% to 30%, the ultrasonic pulse velocities of 28 days and 56 days decreased by 0.3% to 1.34%. The ultrasonic pulse velocity with 50% of fly ash lower was lower than that of 0% by 0.01%. The coefficient of thermal conductivities at 28 days and 56 days increased by 20.1% and 10.7% when the increase of fly ash from 0% to 50%. (3) Durability properties. The rapid chloride tests result show that, at age of 56 days with 10% and 20% of fly ash additions, the amount of charge decreased by 34.3% and 31.4%, respectively. When the addition of fly ash increased to 30% and 50%, the amount of charge increased by 42 % and 169%, respectively. At the fixed amount of 15% of CFBC ash with the amount of fly ash replacement from 0% to 50%, the amount of electrical resistivity of 28 days and 56 days increased by 3.52% and 17.2%. When the amount of fly ash increased and under curing pressure for 48 and 72 hours, the carbonation depth increased by 200%~282.6%. Two mixtures with the lowest and second lowest corrosions were (a) 25% replacement of CFBC ash and (b) 15% replacement of CFBC ash and 20% replacement of fly ash, respectively, having the values of only 8.4% and 11.9% of those of the OPC.
摘要 I
Abstract III
致謝 V
目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究目的 1
1-3 研究項目與流程 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1循環式流化床鍋爐技術 4
2-1-1循環式流化床鍋爐技術介紹 4
2-1-2循環式流體化床鍋爐技術原理 4
2-2 CFBC灰之種類 5
2-3 CFBC灰反應機理 6
2-3-1 CFBC灰自膠凝反應機理 6
2-3-2 CFBC灰作為鹼激發(活化)劑 7
2-4 CFBC灰對於混凝土影響之相關研究 7
2-4-1對於混凝土工作性質之影響 8
2-4-2對於混凝土硬固之影響 8
2-4-3對於混凝土耐久性之影響 11
2-5各種水化物生成對於體積穩定性之影響 12
2-6 混凝土中性化 13
2-6-1混凝土碳化之加速方式 13
2-6-2混凝土碳化之機理 13
2-6-2混凝土碳化速率及碳化深度 14
2-7 CFBC灰與水淬爐石粉之影響[35-38] 14
第三章 實驗計畫 24
3-1 試驗內容與流程 24
3-2 試驗材料 24
3-3 試驗設備 26
3-4試驗變數及項目 29
3-4-1試驗內容說明 29
3-4-2試體編號及項目說明 30
3-5試體拌合與製作 30
3-6 試驗方法 31
3-6-1材料基本性質試驗 31
3-6-2新拌性質試驗 32
3-6-3工程性質試驗 32
3-6-4耐久性質試驗 36
第四章 試驗結果與討論 66
4-1新拌性質 66
4-1-1 坍流度試驗 66
4-2工程性質 67
4-2-1抗壓強度試驗 67
4-2-2超音波波速試驗 68
4-2-3動態彈性與動態剪力模數試驗 70
4-2-4長度變化量試驗 71
4-2-5熱傳導係數 72
4-3耐久性試驗 72
4-3-1快速氯離子滲透試驗 72
4-3-2表面電阻 73
4-3-3碳化深度量測 74
4-3-4鋼筋腐蝕量測 75
第五章 結論與建議 95
5-1 結論 95
5-2 建議 97
參考文獻 98
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