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研究生(外文):Wei-Ting Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Studies on impact resistance and energy dissipation properties of shear thickening polymer mixtures
指導教授(外文):Po-da Hong
口試委員(外文):Po-da Hong
外文關鍵詞:shear thickeningPEGsilicaenergy dissipation
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最後經由積分Lissajous-Bowditch curve中的應力-應變曲線面積可以得到剪切增稠時所耗散的能量,確認剪切增稠行為的發生伴隨著能量耗散增加,且DST的能量耗散效率比CST佳,並隨著角頻率增加能量耗散的效果更為顯著。此結果顯示我們所配製的剪切增稠複合流體在剪切增稠現象發生時具有黏度(硬度)上升與能量耗散的效果,為同時兼顧剛性與阻尼性的複合材料。
The main aim of this present dissertation is to prepare effective condition and formulation of the shear thickening fluid of the SiO2 blended with polyethylene glycol (200) was performed through the rheometer by measured shear thickening phenomenon with various concentrations. The shear thickening effect was optimized to find out the best conditions for usage as the protective equipment.

Upon increase the volume fraction of SiO2, the viscosity was increased continuously (CST) to discontinuously (DST). The slope of viscosity curve in shear thickening part was found as increased with increased volume fraction (Φ) and diverged at critical volume fraction(Φ_c). Such a diverging viscosity is mainly related to jamming phenomenon. Also, we have found the normal force emerges while rheological measurement, which is attributed to the formation of particle’s anisotropic microstructure (hydrocluster).

In addition, influence of external temperature was studied to understand shear thickening behaviors upon the increase the temperature. The reduction of the shear thickening effect was observed while increased temperature of SiO2 blend. Thus, we have used the viscosity of PEG200 to normalize the temperature effect, and found that the main reason for shear thickening effect reduction due to the continuous phase of PEG200, which was influenced by temperature.

In order to understand further shear thickening phenomenon, we have used large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) to investigate the nonlinear viscoelastic behavior of shear thickening phenomenon. The obtained results indicated the elastic nonlinearity and viscous nonlinearity were donated by strain-rate. However while increased the angular frequency, viscous nonlinearity have been converted to strain dominated. Finally, we have obtained the dissipated energy by integrating the area of Lissajous-Bowditch curve, which shows an obvious increase in energy dissipation in the shear thickening region. The dissipated energy of DST is more efficient than dissipated energy of CST, and an increase of angular frequency tends to enhance the dissipated energy. These results imply that obtained shear thickening fluid composite can raise viscosity (hardness) and energy dissipation as shear thickening occurs.

The above comparison results revealed that presented optimized condition may possible to produce fluid analogue to usage as the protective equipment.

第一章 前言

第二章 理論背景
2.1.1 Order-Disorder Theory
2.1.2 Hydrocluster Theory
2.3.1牛頓流體(Newtonian fluid)
2.3.2非牛頓流體(Non-Newtonian fluid)
2.3.3穩態流變(Rotation shear)
2.3.4動態流變(Oscillation shear)小振幅振盪剪切(SAOS)大振幅振盪剪切(LAOS)

第三章 實驗部分
3.1 實驗材料
3.2 樣品製備
3.3 實驗儀器
3.4 實驗方法

第四章 結果與討論
4.3.1 溫度對於剪切增稠效果的影響
4.3.2 連續相黏度對於剪切增稠現象的影響
4.4.1 應變掃描-大振幅振盪剪切
4.4.2 剪切增稠流體於大振幅振盪剪切中的非線性黏彈性質
4.4.3 不同角頻率對於非線性黏彈性質的影響
4.4.4 剪切增稠流體之能量耗散現象

第五章 結論


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