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研究生(外文):Shun-Ying Gan
論文名稱(外文):A 3D Object Detection Algorithm Based on a Multi-Step Structure
外文關鍵詞:consecutive waypoint checkingrandomized waypoint-pair feature3D object detectionpoint cloud
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2D影像之物體偵測已廣泛使用於許多應用。然而,某些條件會限制2D影像之物體偵測能力。例如相同物體卻由不同角度拍攝所得之二張影像,便難以有效地確認此二張影像為同一物體。3D 攝影機/掃描器 提供了有效的方法去取得3D物體之點雲(point cloud)資料,此資料能描繪出與拍攝角度無關之物體表面特徵。
在3D場景(scene)中尋找目標物(template)需要非常龐大的運算量,而處於高遮蔽率場景之目標物,其偵測率通常不高,本文提出一種多階段架構之3D物體偵測演算法,用以解決龐大的運算量以及低偵測率之問題。此演算法以對點特徵(point-pair feature)作為表面特徵描述子(descriptor),利用散列法(hashing technique)加速描述子的匹配,並且使用一種創新的隨機成對航點特徵(randomized waypoint-pair feature)以及連續航點檢查(consecutive waypoint checking)之策略,有效的濾除錯誤目標。最後,計算出待偵測物體映射至場景中物體的表面擬合估計值(surface fitting estimation),以判斷所偵測的物體是否為正確之目標。此外,本文利用等方格結構(uniform cubic structure)加速連續航點檢查及表面擬合估計值之計算。
為展現本文所提多階段架構之3D物體偵測演算法之能力,本實驗之點雲資料由二種不同類型之3D取像裝置取得,分別為3D雷射場景掃描器(3D laser range scanner)及顏色深度攝影機(RGB-D camera, Microsoft Kinect V1)。
2D object detection has been widely used in many applications. Since a 2D image can only describe the information of an object by one angle of view, it is a difficult problem to identify an object effectively from 2D images. The 3D scanning technology provides an efficient way to obtain 3D data (point cloud) of an object. The 3D point cloud model is angle-invariant and can describe the surface of a 3D object.
Searching a template object in a scene will encounter two drawbacks: the low detection rate in cases with high occlusion, and the heavy computation. In this thesis, an algorithm based on a multi-step structure is proposed for solving the problems of the low detection rate and the heavy computation. The basic descriptor of the proposed algorithm is with the point-pair feature format. The hashing technique is utilized to speed up the descriptor matching process. A novel 3D descriptor, the randomized waypoint-pair feature, is utilized to describe the descriptors in the scene model. A strategy of consecutive waypoint checking is utilized to sift the spurious detected candidates. Lastly, a verification method of surface fitting estimation is utilized to determine if a detected candidate is correct or not. Moreover, we also propose a uniform cubic structure for speeding up the processes of the consecutive waypoint checking and the surface fitting estimation.
The sample datasets of our experiments are from two types of device, the 3D laser range scanner and the RGB-D camera. We analyze the influence of the different parameters of the proposed algorithm, and compare the detection rates with the previous methods. From experimental results, the proposed algorithm not only gets a high detection rate, but also reduces the computation efficiently.
中文摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 V
Contents VII
Natation IX
Figures Index XII
Tables Index XV
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.1.1 Point Cloud and Triangle Mesh 2
1.1.2 3D Object Transform 2
1.2 Related Work 3
1.3 Research Purpose 7
Chapter 2. Research Methodology 9
2.1 Point-pair Feature 9
2.2 Algorithm Concept 11
2.3 Descriptor Creation 12
2.3.1 Descriptor of Template Model 12
2.3.2 Descriptor of Scene Model 13
2.4 Object Detection 16
2.4.1 Descriptor Matching 16
2.4.2 Uniform Cubic Structure 21
2.4.3 Consecutive Waypoint Checking 22
2.4.4 Candidate Verification 25
Chapter 3. Experiments 30
3.1 Decision of cw 34
3.2 Analysis for Parameter qu 35
3.3 Analysis for Surface Fitting Estimations 38
3.4 Analysis for Parameter cn 39
3.5 Analysis for Parameter ppdiv 45
3.6 Analysis for Parameter wpmul 48
3.7 In Comparison with Previous Methods 52
3.8 Detection Results from Different Datasets 53
3.8.1 Mian et al.'s Dataset (3D Laser Range Scanner) 53
3.8.2 Salti et al.'s Dataset (RGB-D Camera - Kinect V1) 58
3.8.3 The Self Dataset (RGB-D camera - Kinect V2) 63
Chapter 4. Conclusions 65
Reference 67
Appendix 74
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