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研究生(外文):Yu-Ting Cheng
論文名稱:Relax like the dead on the street- Reconstituting speculative wearable design
論文名稱(外文):Relax like the dead on the street- Reconstituting speculative wearable design
指導教授(外文):Lin-Lin ChenRung-Huei Liang
口試委員(外文):Lin-Lin ChenRung-Huei Liang
外文關鍵詞:Speculative designwearableinteraction designintervention
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Recent years have seen increased attention being given to wearable interaction in literature. Either function- driven or fashion-driven styles were widely discussed in wearable devices design. The aim of these discussions attempts to allow wearers to feel comfortable physically. However, it was not completely explored (Nugroho, 2013). Some studies stated wearables as a relationship tool allowing us to better understand the interaction between people (Charlesworth, 2007). Drawing on the speculative wearable design, we intend to craft the most comfortable wearables both in physic and psychology. By operationalizing design fiction with anticipatory ethnography (Lindley, Sharma and Potts, 2015), we call for the Wearable R.I.P. emancipation to in-stu participants to relax like the dead on the street. Findings of the emancipation showed that participants’ meaning-making and reframing process by expert extended our understanding on wearable interaction. To conclude, this study may be of importance in explaining the meaning making from R.I.P. interaction, as well better understanding wearable interaction through speculative wearable design.
List of figures 8
List of analysis 11
Abstract 13
Preface 14

Chapter 1 Wearable
1.1 What are wearables? 21
1.2 Why do we need to wear? 22
1.3 Why do we care to wear beautifully? 22
1.4 Are wearables merely about the function or fashion? 23
1.5 What could we gain more from wearables? 23
1.6 Why do we wear Wearables? 25
1.7 The pathway of exploring the most comfortable wearables 26

Chapter 2 Speculation
2.1 What is the speculative design? 29
2.2 Subverting our understandings of the world: Micro United Kingdom 30
2.3 Designing a ludification by speculative wearables 32
2.4 Performative speculation: Indivicracy – tale of a future government 32
2.5 Summary 35

Chapter 3 Design fiction: Wearable r.i.p.
3.1 The speculation crafted by Wearable R.I.P. 37
3.2 The material used in Wearable R.I.P. 38
3.3 Critique of Wearable R.I.P. 44

Chapter 4 Emancipating people by Wearable R.I.P.
4.1 Emancipating people by Wearable R.I.P. 47
4.2 Method 47

Chapter 5 Public intervention: will you dare to face the death?
5.1 Strategies of 2-hour public intervention 55
5.2 Public intervention 57
5.3 Findings 60
5.4 Summary 67

Chapter 6 Emancipating us from fiction to the reality
6.1 Introduction of stage director 69
6.2 Interviews 69
6.3 Findings 70
6.4 Summary 70

Chapter 7 Public performances: does death really bring peace?
7.1 Strategies of 20-mins public performance 73
7.2 Part 1 - Public performance: Spectators role 76
7.3 Part 1 - Findings 78
7.4 Part 2 - Public performance: Wearers role 81
7.5 Part 2 - Findings 88
7.6 Summary 89

Chapter 8 Insights for wearable interaction
8.1 Wearer(s) = user(s)+object(s) 91
8.2 Relation between wearer(s), wearables & spectator(s) 92
8.3 The three forms in wearable interaction 93
8.4 Summary 95

Chapter 9 Contagious power: We all need wearable r.i.p.
9.1 Fluidity of R.I.P. action 97
9.2 Wearing as a dialogic participatory 97
9.3 Emancipating public awareness 98
9.4 Enrich our perspectives through wearing 106
9.5 Summary: we all need Wearable R.I.P. 107

Chapter 10 conclusion 109

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