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研究生(外文):Tzu-Chieh Tang
論文名稱(外文):A Study on The Performance of Crowdfunding Projects
指導教授(外文):Pin Luarn
口試委員(外文):Pin Luarn
外文關鍵詞:CrowdfundingThe performance of crowdfundingCrowdsourcing
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群眾募資的崛起,主要源於2004年的Web 2.0技術發展所帶動,提供新的機會給使用者可以透過社交網路使用、創建和修改的方案內容,並與其他的使用者進行互動,學者認為,群眾募資快速發展背後的兩個重要支撐為:群眾外包以及Web 2.0的發展。隨著Web 2.0的普及,使用者更容易將資訊傳遞到網路上,Web 2.0所創造的互聯網,再加上社群網絡及思想解放的人們,創造出許多新型態及有趣的機會。
The development of crowdfunding can be traced back to Web 2.0 technological development in 2004, which providing new opportunities to users interacting with others by social network or social media. Scholars think two of the key points that the rapid development crowdfunding are crowdsourcing and Web 2.0. Scholars see the roots of croedfunding in a movement that has been labelled as crowdsourcing, which comprises using the crowd to obtain ideas, feedback and solutions in order to develop corporate activities. Besides, because of Web 2.0, Users can transfer their informations to the Internet easily. The development of social network, the emancipation of concept, and the creation of the Internet of Things by Web 2.0 create a lot of interesting opportunities.
This study discuss the performances of crowdfunding. Crowdfunding performances are pledge and crowdfunding result that devided into successful and failed. The factors that affect crowdfunding performances are crowdfunding operation management, relationship management, networking management, and film genre. This study analyses 228 creative crowdfunding projects within the design category on crowdfunding website flyingV. Projects were analysed in relation to a number of variables, followed by a logistic regression and regression analysis to highlight the main predictors of crowdfunding performances.
This study finds key predictors of crowdfunding success and investigates differences between successful and failed crowdfunding projects. The analysis of crowdfunding projects provides details on the significant predictors of crowdfunding success particularly relevant to design projects.
摘 要 III
誌 謝 V
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 4
1.3 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 群眾募資 7
2.1.1 群眾募資介紹 7
2.1.2 群眾募資運作模式及獲利模式 9
2.1.3 全球群眾募資平台介紹 12
2.1.4 國內群眾募資平台 14
2.2 群眾募資相關研究 19
2.2.1 提案者觀點 23
2.2.2 贊助者觀點 24
2.2.3 群眾募資成功因素 26
2.2.4 群眾募資與網絡管理 28
2.3 影片敘事類型 29
2.4 小結 31
第三章 研究方法 35
3.1 研究架構 35
3.2 研究假設與研究模型 36
3.3 樣本資料蒐集方法 40
3.4 研究變項定義與衡量43
3.4.1 募資成效-結果與金額 43
3.4.2 影響因素之構面 43
第四章 研究分析 47
4.1 群眾募資平台樣本特性分析 48
4.1.1 樣本整體資料分析 48
4.1.2 募資成效-結果與金額 50
4.1.3 影響因素之構面 52
4.2 相關分析 61
4.3 數值轉換 63
4.3.1 自然對數 63
4.3.2 虛擬變數的編碼原則 67
4.4 迴歸分析 68
4.4.1 邏輯斯迴歸分析 68
4.4.2 多元迴歸分析 71
第五章 結論與建議 75
5.1 研究結果 75
5.2 研究結論 79
5.3 研究限制 82
5.4 未來建議 83
參考文獻 86
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