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論文名稱(外文):Winner Determination for Combinatorial Auction
外文關鍵詞:Combinatorial auctionResource allocationDistributed algorithmGame theory
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Resource allocation problem is to allocate limited resources to users so as to meet the system’s requirements. A potential solution to this problem is via auction mechanism. Combinatorial auction mechanism allows bidders to bid multiple items with a single bid. The design of a combination auction mechanism involves two tasks: how to determine winners and how to determine payments. The former is to decide the set of winners in a combinatorial auction to maximize the auctioneer's revenue. The latter is to determine the payments of winners. Previous mechanisms have some shortcomings like poor scalability, bid not faithfully reflecting the bidder’s valuation of resources, and to-be-improved auctioneer’s revenue. This paper focuses on winner determination that maximizes auctioneer’s revenue. Unlike previous studies, we utilization called conflict number and propose three different winner determination methods, namely, BOCN, BRAC, and PLOBOCN, together with a centralized algorithm. We ensure that bidders would place bids that faithfully reflect the bidder’s valuation of resources. This paper also uses game theory to develop synchronous and asynchronous distributed algorithms, and ensures the convergence of these algorithms. Our experimental results show that, compared with prior work, the proposed methods effectively increase total revenue of auctioneer. We also compared the performance between centralized and distributed algorithms. The results show no significant performance gap. The convergence time is low in distributed algorithms.
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 x
第一章 簡介 1
第二章 背景知識與相關研究 5
2.1拍賣機制與組合拍賣機制 5
2.1.1單一拍賣機制 5
2.1.2組合拍賣機制與性質 6
2.2賽局理論 7
2.2.1 賽局的定義 8
2.2.2 賽局的均衡 8
2.3組合拍賣贏家決定問題 9
2.3.1相關研究 10
2.3.2真實資訊 12
2.3.3付款機制 15
第三章 分散式組合拍賣問題 17
3.1組合拍賣贏家決定問題 17
3.1.1系統設定 17
3.2集中式贏家決定演算法設計與性質 18
3.2.1 集中式演算法 18
3.2.2優先(preference)函式 20
3.2.3真實資訊的證明 22
3.3非同步分散式贏家決定演算法 23
3.3.1賽局基本設定 23
3.3.2利益函式 24
3.3.3賽局運作範例 25
3.3.4賽局的實作 27
3.3.5集中式與分散式演算法間的差異 29
3.3.6分散式付款機制 29
3.4同步分散式贏家決定演算法 31
3.4.1非同步與同步分散式演算法間的差異與問題 31
3.4.2同時決策賽局運作範例 32
3.4.3同步分散式贏家決定演算法 33
第四章 模擬實驗與結果 35
4.1實驗設定 35
4.2集中式演算法實驗數據 36
4.2.1標金與資源組合數量無關的投標設定 36
4.2.2標金與資源組合數量有關的投標設定 41
4.3非同步分散式演算法數據 45
4.3.1標金與資源組合數量無關的投標設定 45
4.3.2標金與資源組合數量有關的投標設定 50
4.4同步分散式演算法數據 54
4.4.1標金與資源組合數量無關的投標設定 54
4.4.2標金與資源組合數量有關的投標設定 59
第五章 結論 64
參考文獻 65

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