The traditional planner MOSFET has been replaced under the development of FinFET. In order to achieve better electric characteristics and reliability, the FinFET structures are improved from double gate to tri-gate, and the multi-Fins structure is also utilized. In this work, it is found that single-Fin structure shows better performance than multi-Fins structure. After NBTI stress, the Single-Fin structure device shows the more serious reliability problems. The releasing of H species away from the interface could be explained by connecting R-D model and time power law exponent. Multi-Fins structure shows less impact after NBTI than single-Fin structure device. It is believed that the coupling effect existed in multi-Fins structure due to the closing of channels, which will not be observed in single-Fin structure, will cause the different phenomenon on electric performance and reliability. Although multi-Fin structure will not perform better characteristic, it shows better reliability.