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研究生(外文):Long-Yi Lin
論文名稱(外文):Additives Affecting the Growth of Cu Thin Film Prepared on Cobalt-Based Substrates by Electrochemical Atomic Layer Deposition
外文關鍵詞:Electrochemical atomic layer deposition (EC-ALD)copper metallizationcobalt substrateethylenediamine
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第二部分則是以添加乙二胺之銅溶液藉由EC-ALD在無電鍍CoP、CoWP基板上沉積銅薄膜並探討薄膜熱穩定性。結果顯示添加乙二胺之銅溶液能成功以EC-ALD在無電鍍鈷合金基板上沉積銅薄膜,經快速退火熱處理CoP基板上之銅薄膜熱穩定性可至550oC,CoWP基板上之銅薄膜熱穩定性至500 oC。

The effect of the additives on electrochemical-atomic-layer-deposited copper film on Co/SiO2/Si substrate was investigated. An underpotentially -deposited (UPD) Pb atomic layer was used as a sacrificial layer. The following Cu film was prepared using surface limiting redox reaction in copper solution with different additives. Additives significantly affect the replacement of UPD – Pb by Cu. The resistance of the film was measured by four points probe. Crystal structure was analyzed by x-ray diffraction. The surface morphology was analyzed by scanning electron microscope and atomic force microscope. Corrosive effect of the additives on cobalt film was analyzed by electrochemical analyzer.
The results showed that lead residual exist in Cu film when adding sodium citrate because sodium citrate reduces the efficiency of copper displacement. On the other hand, sodium perchlorate increases crystallinity and electrical properties of the Cu film. However, the high content of Cu2+ ions in solution enhances the galvanic corrosive on the cobalt film, resulting in the poor adhesion of copper film. Ethylenediamine increases the replacement efficiency of copper film and reduces the corrosion of cobalt film. Thus, the Cu film can be stabilized.
In the second part of the study, we investigated the thermal stability of the added ethylenediamine in copper solution to prepare copper film on CoP and CoWP substrates using EC-ALD. The results showed that the copper film can be successfully deposited on the electroless cobalt-based substrate by EC-ALD. The Cu on CoP substrate is thermally stable up to 550oC, and Cu on CoWP substrate is thermally stable at 500oC.

第一章 緒論....................................1
1.1 前言....................................1
1.2 研究動機....................................2
第二章 理論基礎及文獻回顧....................................5
2.1 銅製程....................................5
2.2 擴散阻障層....................................6
2.2.1 擴散阻障層之需求....................................6
2.2.2 擴散阻障層之種類....................................6
2.3 鈷基薄膜應用文獻探討....................................10
2.4 電化學原子層沉積技術 (Electrochemical Atomic Layer Deposition, EC-ALD) ....................................11
2.4.1 電化學原子層沉積概念....................................11
2.4.2 電化學原子層沉積(EC-ALD)優點....................................11
2.4.3 欠電位沉積 (Underpotential deposition, UPD) ....................................12
2.4.4 表面侷限氧化還原反應 (Surface limited redox replacement, SLRR) ............13
2.4.5 EC-ALD研究現況....................................15
2.5 電化學分析法原理....................................16
2.5.1 線性掃描伏安法 (Linear Sweep Voltammetry, LSV) ....................................16
2.5.2 循環伏安法 (Cyclic Voltammetry, CV) ....................................18
2.5.3 計時電流法 (Chrono Amperometry, CA) ....................................18
2.6 電化學成核原理....................................19
2.6.1 電化學反應過程....................................19
2.6.2 瞬時、漸進成核模式....................................20
第三章 實驗流程與儀器介紹....................................32
3.1 實驗設備....................................32
3.1.1 磁控濺鍍系統....................................32
3.1.2 電化學原子層沉積系統....................................32
3.1.3 快速退火爐....................................33
3.2 實驗材料....................................33
3.2.1 實驗基板....................................33
3.2.2 濺鍍靶材....................................33
3.2.3 製程氣體....................................33
3.2.4 化學藥品....................................34
3.3 實驗流程....................................35
3.3.1 Si基板清洗與熱氧化處理....................................36
3.3.2 濺鍍(sputter) Co thin film....................................36
3.3.3 電化學原子層沉積(EC-ALD)系統沉積銅薄膜....................................37 電化學溶液配製....................................37
3.4 分析儀器及原理....................................40
3.4.1 電化學分析儀....................................40
3.4.2 四點探針 (Four-Point Probe, FPP) ....................................40
3.4.3 X光繞射分析儀 (X-Ray Diffraction, XRD) ....................................41
3.4.4 掃描電子顯微鏡 (Scanning Electron Microscope, SEM) .................................42
3.4.5 歐傑電子能譜儀 (Auger Electron Spectrometer, AES) ....................................42
3.4.6 原子力顯微鏡 (Atomic Force Microscope, AFM) ....................................43
第四章 實驗結果與討論....................................50
4.1 銅溶液添加檸檬酸鈉對銅薄膜沉積之影響....................................50
4.1.1 鍍液循環伏安 (CV) 曲線探討....................................50
4.1.2 實驗流程....................................51
4.1.3 相結構分析....................................52
4.1.4 薄膜電性分析....................................53
4.1.5 表面形貌分析....................................54
4.1.6 I-V-T曲線分析....................................54
4.1.7 添加檸檬酸鈉製備銅薄膜上欠電位鉛之成核曲線....................................56
4.2 銅溶液添加過氯酸鈉對銅薄膜沉積之影響....................................58
4.2.1 實驗流程....................................58
4.2.2 相結構分析....................................58
4.2.3 薄膜電性分析....................................59
4.2.4 表面形貌分析....................................60
4.2.5 I-V-T曲線分析....................................60
4.2.6 添加過氯酸鈉製備銅薄膜上欠電位鉛之成核曲線....................................61
4.3 銅溶液添加乙二胺對銅薄膜沉積之影響....................................63
4.3.1 添加乙二胺之銅溶液對於鈷基板之腐蝕影響....................................64
4.3.2 乙二胺濃度對置換銅薄膜之沉積測試....................................65
4.3.3 實驗流程....................................66
4.3.4 結構分析....................................67
4.3.5 電性分析....................................68
4.3.6 表面形貌分析....................................69
4.3.7 I-V-T曲線分析....................................69
4.3.8 添加乙二胺製備銅薄膜上欠電位鉛之成核曲線....................................70
4.3.9 熱穩定性分析....................................71
4.4 三種添加劑特性比較....................................74
4.4.1 不同添加劑製備薄膜銅電性比較....................................74
4.4.2 不同添加劑製備銅薄膜XRD....................................74
4.4.3 不同添加劑製備銅薄膜SEM....................................75
4.4.4 不同添加劑製備銅薄膜AFM....................................75
4.4.5 不同添加劑對銅置換曲線....................................76
4.4.6 不同添加劑製備銅薄膜上欠電位鉛之成核曲線....................................76
4.4.7 不同添加劑之銅溶液對於鈷基板之腐蝕影響....................................77
4.5 在無電鍍鈷基薄膜上以EC-ALD沉積銅薄膜之熱穩定性探討.........................78
4.5.1 實驗流程....................................78
4.5.2 相結構分析....................................79
4.5.3 薄膜電性分析....................................80
4.5.4 薄膜表面形貌分析....................................81
4.5.5 薄膜之縱深元素分析....................................82
4.5.6 無電鍍鈷基板上之鉛成核模式....................................83
4.5.7 銅溶液對無電鍍鈷基薄膜基板之腐蝕影響....................................85
第五章 結論....................................155
Extended Abstract....................................167

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