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研究生(外文):Yo-Sheng Hsiao
論文名稱(外文):Development of an Energy Harvesting Management System for Wireless Sensor Node
外文關鍵詞:Wireless sensor networksensor nodeMPPT
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In recent years, the key technologies of wireless sensor network have been rapidly developing. As the wireless sensing devices become cheaper and smaller, these miniaturized nodes offer the opportunity for the electronic sensor to many different applications. The practical applications of wireless sensor network require high-performance, low power consumption, more reliable and more prolonged lifetime deployments for potentially a very large number of wireless sensor and actuator nodes. In this paper, the sensor nodes with energy harvesting are studied and developed to reach the goal having the independent energy, and to effectively extend the life cycle of sensor nodes and network. The energy harvesting circuit with MPPT function is designed to capture and transform the solar energy to charge the rechargeable battery to provide the power of wireless sensor nodes and extend the lifetime of battery. This harvesting circuit is implemented by applying LT362HV IC as system core to achieve the catch and conversion of solar energy. The main objective of this study is to optimize the energy efficiency of wireless sensors and life cycle, and furthermore to enhance and extend the application reliability and practicability of wireless sensor network.

第一章 緒論............................................1
1.1 前言............................................1
1.2 研究動機與目的...................................1
1.3 文獻探討.........................................2
1.4 論文架構.........................................3
第二章 能量擷取技術之相關研究............................3
2.1 能量擷取技術介紹與評估............................3
2.1.1 能量擷取技術介紹...................................3
2.1.2 能量擷取技術功率密度比較............................4
2.2 太陽能量擷取技術概述.............................6
2.2.1 太陽能電池原理.....................................6
2.2.2 太陽能電池發展.....................................7
2.2.3 太陽能電池電氣特性..................................9
2.3 太陽能追蹤法則介紹 ...............................11
2.3.1 擾動觀察法........................................11
2.3.2 增量電導法........................................12
2.3.3 開路電壓法........................................13
2.3.4 短路電流法........................................14
第三章 擷能型無線感測網路之技術探討......................16
3.1 無線感測節點之擷能管理系統系統設計.................16
3.1.1 無線感測節點之擷能管理系統架構介紹...................17
3.1.2 無線感測器節點系統介紹.............................17
3.1.3 微控制器介紹......................................18
3.1.4 ADXL362感測器介紹.................................20
3.2 無線感測節點之耗能評估...........................21
3.3 太陽能電池與充電電池規格設計......................23
3.3.1 充電電池設計與選用規格.............................23
3.3.2 充電電池選用規格...................................24
第四章 具最大功率追蹤之擷能型電路設計....................25
4.1 LT3652電源管理IC功能介紹.........................25
4.2 LT3652電源管理IC之電路設計 .......................27
4.2.1 模擬太陽能電池最大功率追蹤點........................28
4.2.2 LT3652電源管理IC最大功率點設計.....................30
4.2.3 擷能型管理電路實測.................................36
第五章 擷能型管理系統整合與性能測試......................38
5.1 擷能型無線感測節點之耗能測試......................39
5.2 無線感測節點之擷能管理系統實測....................41
5.3 無線感測節點之擷能管理系統整合測試.................47
5.3.1 無線感測網路功能測試 ...............................48
5.3.2 電池充放電實驗與評估...............................49
第六章 結論與未來展望..................................52
6.1 結論...........................................52
6.2 未來展望........................................52
Extended Abstract......................................57

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