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研究生(外文):Jun-Lin Chen
論文名稱(外文):Individual Learner Big Data Based Cloud Role Player Game Learning
外文關鍵詞:Cloud ComputingVirtualizationRPGGame-LearningDynamic assigning
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In this thesis, we propose an Individual Learner Big Data Based Cloud Role Player Game Learning Corresponding to Individual Learner Big Data according to the proposed dynamic assigning algorithm to separate individual learner (student) into different levels of learning ability. Based on dynamic assigning algorithm, student’s answering times and answering correct rate for each education scenario in cloud based digital game learning system is considered. Suitable teaching scenario will be provided for individual user corresponding to personal learning ability. Each designed modular teaching materials can be embedded into the game platform on the virtual machine in cloud. In addition, the whole learning system is established as a virtual machine. System maintainer can configure the learning system easily and quickly. Based on cloud, different remote devices can connect to server for learning.

English Abstract......i
Chinese Abstract......ii
Table of Contents......iv
List of Tables......v
List of Figures......vi
Chapter 1 Introduction......1
1.1 The Development of modular role player game learning system......3
Chapter 2 Literature Review......6
Chapter 3 Algorithm, Verification and Implementation......8
3.1 Dynamic Assigning Algorithm......8
3.2 System Verification and Implementation......14
Chapter 4 Result......17
Chapter 5 Conclusion......20
Extended Abstract......24
Curriculum Vitae......29

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