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研究生(外文):Yan-Jhang Su
論文名稱(外文):Synthesis and Photoluminescence Properties of Pr3+ and Sc3+ co-doped YInGe2O7 phosphors
外文關鍵詞:phosphorsol-gel methodPr3+ ion
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在由YInGe2O7摻雜Pr3+離子螢光粉系列,XRD分析結果顯示,在煆燒溫度1200 oC,持溫6小時條件下,可得到單斜晶系YInGe2O7之結構。且隨著Pr3+離子摻雜濃度增加至20 mol%皆為單一相,並無二次相生成。而在SEM分析方面,YInGe2O7:Pr3+螢光粉表面型態皆為不規則形狀,隨著Pr3+離子濃度增加,螢光粉顆粒尺寸有逐漸增加之趨勢。在主體248 nm激發下,其放射由主體本身發光及Pr3+離子的3P03H4,5,6、3F2和1D23H4之電子躍遷所造成,發光帶分佈於350 ~ 450 nm、480 ~ 510 nm、530 ~ 560 nm、600 ~ 620 nm、625 ~ 640 nm、645 ~ 660 nm中。當Pr3+離子濃度為0.5 mol%時有最佳放射,CIE色度座標隨摻雜濃度增加由橘紅光區偏移至近白光區再偏移至藍光區。在451 nm直接激發下,其主要放射光波長坐落於480~510 nm和600~620 nm之間屬於Pr3+離子之3P03H4和1D23H4之電子躍遷所造成,當Pr3+離子濃度為10 mol%時,發生濃度淬滅效應有最強的綠光放射,CIE色度座標隨摻雜濃度增加由黃綠光區偏移至綠光區。
此外在YInGe2O7共摻Pr3+,Sc3+螢光粉系列中,固定Pr3+離子濃度為3 mol%,共摻不同濃度的Sc3+離子。在248激發下,當Sc3+離子摻雜濃度為3 mol%時,發光能帶1D2→3H4能階躍遷強度有明顯增強,發光峰值為608 nm,CIE色度座標隨摻雜濃度增加會先偏移至粉色區偏移回近白光區。

In this study, YInGe2O7 phosphor was selected as the host material, doped with different Pr3+ ion concentrations, co-doped with Sc3+ ion, and the crystal structure, photoluminescence properties were then investigated.
For Pr3+ ion-doped YInGe2O7 phosphors, the XRD results show that the crystal structure can be attributed to the monoclinic YInGe2O7 structure calcined 1200 oC for 6 h. The peaks are single phase and no secondary phases appear when the Pr3+ ions concentrations increase to 20 mol%.The SEM results show that there are irregular shapes for surface morphology and the grain size become bigger as the Pr3+ concentration increased. By host 248 nm excitation, the emission band appear in the range of 350 ~ 450 nm, which is attributed to the YInGe2O7 host.A series of sharp emission band appear in the range of 480 ~ 510 nm、530 ~ 560 nm、600 ~ 620 nm、625 ~ 640 nm、645 ~ 660 nm, respectively corresponding to the 3P03H4,5,6、3F2 and 1D23H4 electron transition of the Pr3+ ion.By 451 nm direct excitation, the main emission band appear in the range of 480~510 nm, 600~620 nm, respectively corresponding to the 3P03H4 and 1D23H4 electron transition of the Pr3+ ion.The strongest green emission appear when the Pr3+ ion concentrations increase to 10 mol%, the CIE chromaticity coordinates shift to the green region from yellowish-green region appear with concentration increased.
In addition, in order to enhance the photoluminescence properties of YInGe2O7: Pr3+ phosphors, the Pr3+ ion concentrations was fixed for 3 mol% and doped with different Sc3+ ion concentrations. By 248 nm excitation, the 1D23H4 emission intensities were enhanced for Pr3+ ion concentrations is 3 mol%, the CIE chromaticity coordinates shift to the white light region from pink region appear with concentration increased.

第 一 章 緒論...1
1-1 前言...1
1-2 研究動機與目的...2
第 二 章 理論基礎與文獻回顧...5
2-1 發光的定義...5
2-1-1 激發源的種類與應用...5
2-2 螢光材料簡介...6
2-2-1 有機螢光材料...6
2-2-2 無機發光材料...6
2-3 發光機制簡介...7
2-3-1 螢光與磷光之關係...7
2-4 固態材料中的光致發光現象...8
2-4-1 本質型發光(intrinsic luminescence)...8
2-4-2 外質型發光(extrinsic luminescence)...9
2-5 發光機制簡介...10
2-5-1 發光原理與過程...10
2-5-2 組態座標(configuration coordination)...10
2-5-3 史托克位移(stokes shift)...11
2-5-4 能量轉移(energy transfer)...11
2-5-5 電子-聲子交互作用(electron-phonon interaction)...12
2-5-6 交叉緩解(cross relaxation)...12
2-5-7 非輻射躍遷(non-radiative transition)...12
2-6 影響發光特性與效率的主要因素...12
2-6-1 主體晶格效應(host lattice effect)...13
2-6-2 濃度淬滅效應(concentration quenching effect)...13
2-6-3 熱消淬效應(rhermal quenching)...13
2-6-4 毒劑效應(poisoning)...13
2-6-5 螢光共振能量轉移(FRET, fluorescence resonance energy transfer)...14
2-7 螢光體的組成與選擇...14
2-7-1 主體晶格的選擇...14
2-7-2 活化劑的選擇...14
2-7-3 抑制劑的避免...14
2-8 螢光粉體之合成技術...15
2-8-1 固相反應法(solid-state method)...15
2-8-2 溶膠-凝膠法(sol-gel method)...15
2-8-3 稀土離子發光特性...16
2-9 鍺酸鹽YInGe2O7晶體簡介...17
第 三 章 實驗方法與步驟...34
3-1 實驗流程...34
3-2 實驗材料...34
3-3 成份與結構分析...34
3-3-1 X光繞射(X-ray diffraction analysis, XRD)分析...34
3-3-2 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(field emission scanning electron microscopy, FE-SEM)分析...34
3-4 螢光粉體之光學特性分析...35
3-4-1 吸收光譜(absorption spectrum)...35
3-4-2 螢光光譜儀(photoluminescence, PL)特性量測...35
3-4-3 CIE色度座標分析(analysis of C.I.E chromaticity diagram)...35
第 四 章 結果與討論...39
4-1 以溶膠凝膠法合成YInGe2O7螢光粉...39
4-1-1 示差掃描(DSC)分析...39
4-1-2 XRD結構分析...39
4-1-3 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(FE-SEM)表面形態分析...39
4-1-4 激發與放射光譜分析...40
4-1-5 CIE色度座標...40
4-1-6 結論...40
4-2 以溶膠凝膠法合成Y1-xPrxInGe2O7螢光粉...48
4-2-1 Y1-xPrxInGe2O7螢光粉之XRD結構分析...48
4-2-2 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(FE-SEM)表面型態分析...48
4-2-3 Y1-xPrxInGe2O7螢光粉之吸收光譜分析...48
4-2-4 Y1-xPrxInGe2O7螢光粉之激發光譜分析...49
4-2-5 Y1-xPrxInGe2O7螢光粉之放射光譜分析...49
4-2-6 CIE色度座標...51
4-2-7 結論...52
4-3 以溶膠凝膠法合成Y0.97-yScyPr0.03InGe2O7螢光粉...68
4-3-1 Y0.97-yScyPr0.03InGe2O7螢光粉之XRD結構分析...68
4-3-2 FE-SEM 表面型態分析...68
4-3-3 Y0.97-yScyPr0.03InGe2O7螢光粉之吸收光譜分析...68
4-3-4 Y0.97-yScyPr0.03InGe2O7螢光粉之激發光譜分析...68
4-3-5 Y0.97-yScyPr0.03InGe2O7螢光粉之放射光譜分析...68
4-3-6 CIE色度座標...69
4-3-7 結論...69
第 五 章 總結論...79
Extended Abstract...84

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