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研究生(外文):Zheng-Wei Lin
論文名稱(外文):Designs of Ku-band and WidebandLow Noise Amplifiers
外文關鍵詞:WidebandKu-bandLow Noise AmplifierPHEMTNoise
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本論文主要研究位於Ku-Band及寬頻低雜訊放大器。第一部分是設計一個Ku-Band(12GHz-18GHz)低雜訊放大器(Low Noise Amplifier , LNA),主要的電路架構使用兩級串接式(cascade)連接,串接放大器具有高增益的優點,輸入端與輸出端皆使用電容與電感做為輸入阻抗匹配與輸出阻抗匹配。此放大器之增益模擬結果為17.4~14.2dB,輸入返回損耗為-15.6~-10.7dB,輸出返回損耗為-14.7~-23.9dB,反向隔離度為-37.3~-37.9dB,雜訊指數為2.6~2.9dB。
第二部分,除採用串接式的架構及在前端使用電容、電感、電阻,去實現輸入阻抗匹配之外,並利用電容與電阻形成回授。此回授能夠增加放大器穩定度。而電感能夠使Vgs在直流時工作再逆向偏壓。兩級間並使用一顆耦合電容C2防止兩級互相影響彼此工之作點。此放大器之增益模擬結果為7.8~12.1dB,輸入返回損耗為-10.9~-11.6dB,輸出返回損耗為-2.6~-27.4dB,反向隔離度為-36~-27.4 dB,雜訊指數為2.815~2.494dB。兩級電壓源3V時,消耗功率分別為125mW及207.5mW。

In this thesis, the research focused on the designs of the Low Noise Amplifier realized on Ku-band and Wideband.
The first part is to design a Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) At Ku-Band (12GHz-18GHz). The main architecture of circuit is cascaded circuit. The cascade architecture was employed to achieve high gain. Capacitors and inductors were adopted to realize the input and output matching networks. The Low Noise Amplifier achieve the following simulation results gain -17.3~-14.2 dB, input return loss -15.6~-10.7 dB, output return loss-14.7~-23.9dB, isolation -37.3~-37.9 dB, and noise figure 2.6~2.9dB. Voltage sources of 1.6V and 1.9V applied with power consumption 167.4mW and 205.2mW respectively.

The second part main architecture of circuit still uses the cascade circuit. In addition to adopt capacitors and inductors and resistance to realize the input impedance matching, the capacitors and resistance Constitute feedback circuit. The feedback can to improve the stability and the inductors make V_gs applied with reverse bias under direct current condition. Between two stages use a coupling capacitor C_2 to prevent the interfering the operating point of each other. The Low Noise Amplifier achieve the following simulation results gain 7.8~12.1 dB, input return loss -10.9~-11.6 dB, output return loss-2.6~-27.4dB,isolation-36~-27.4dB and noise figure2.815~2.494dB. A voltage source of 3V and 3V is applied to both stages with power consumption125mW and 207.5mW respectively.

摘要.... i
Abstract.... ii
誌謝.... iii
表目錄.... vi
圖目錄.... vii
第一章 緒論.... 1
1.1研究背景.... 1
1.2研究目的.... 2
1.3章節介紹.... 3
第二章 基本原理.... 4
2.1 簡介.... 4
2.2 雜訊指數(Noise Figure).... 4
2.2.1 熱雜訊(Thermal Noise).... 4
2.2.2 閃爍雜訊(Flicker Noise).... 5
2.2.3 散射雜訊(Shot Noise).... 6
2.2.4 雜訊指數(Noise Figure, NF).... 6
2.2.5 等效雜訊溫度.... 7
2.2.6 多級放大電路之雜訊計算.... 10
2.3 穩定度(Stability).... 11
2.4 散射參數(Scatter-parameters).... 13
2.5 線性度(Linearity).... 14
2.5.1 1dB 增益壓縮點.... 14
2.5.2 第三階截止功率 IIP3.... 16
2.6 基本放大器架構種類.... 17
2.6.1 回授式放大器(Feedback Amplifier).... 17
2.6.2 電流在利用式電路架構.... 17
2.6.3 源極電感退化式寬頻放大器(inductive source degeneration Amplifier).... 18
2.6.4 平衡式放大器(Balance Amplifier).... 19
2.6.5 散佈式放大器(Distributed Amplifier).... 19
第三章 Ku-band低雜訊放大器設計.... 21
3.1簡介.... 21
3.2預計規格與流程.... 21
3.3電路基本架構.... 23
3.4整體電路架構與佈局圖.... 24
3.5模擬結果.... 26
3.6量測結果.... 31
3.7結果與討論.... 36
第四章 寬頻低雜訊放大器設計.... 37
4.1簡介.... 37
4.2電路基本架構 ....38
4.3整體電路架構與佈局圖 ....39
4.4模擬結果.... 41
4.5量測結果.... 46
4.6結果與討論.... 51
第五章 結論與未來展望.... 52
參考文獻 ....53
Extended Abstract.... 55
簡歷(CV).... 58

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