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研究生(外文):Chi-Ting Lai
論文名稱(外文):Design and Analysis of Stamping Process for a Cylindrical Part
外文關鍵詞:Finite element analysisDrawing formingBendingSUS304
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Many studies have been proposed in drawing process. The finite element method can achieve a certain reliability for the drawing process simulation and prediction. The research applied finite element analysis software (PAM-STAMP), along with manufacturer''s experience, to analyze the stamping production process for cylindrical component, as well as improving some defect of cracks due to lessening in thickness from repetitive sheet molding. And, with taguchi method, die design was optimized to reduce number of repetitive molding and other machining processes. The effect of blankholder force and its load curve on the product formability would also be investigated.
Result showed the application of drawing process would require 7 steps to finalize the forming of cylindrical component, while the combined machining process of drawing and ironing could reduce it to 5 steps. The friction coefficient of sheet and die had less impact on the thickness of product with low drawing ratio, but varied significantly for higher drawing ratio product. By taguchi method to optimize the drawing process, it could increase the minimum and reduce the maximum for the optimal product thickness to decrease the load. As for the blankholder spring force of different load curves, even though they might exhibit the same maximum loading force, the sheet under the same stamping process might still develop variation during the molding process, resulting in different product thickness. Part of stamping and bending, the convex forming process would result in accumulation of material at the bend, but could reduce chance of cracks due to excessive sheet drawing, while the concave forming process resulted in the opposite. The springback analysis showed that the concave forming process had the smallest springback angle.
From the actual measurement and analysis comparison, the maximum error in product thickness was 9.69%, and the minimum was 4.11%. It proved the plausibility and reliability of using analytic software for the stamping procedure, and it could help to understand the forming process, stress, strain, forming limit and forming load of a forming stamped component, in order to effectively predict and even prevent defect formation, to further improve the productivity.

第一章 緒論...1
1.1 前言...1
1.2 研究動機與目的...2
1.3 研究方法與步驟...2
1.4 文獻回顧...4
1.4.1 沖剪成形...4
1.4.2 引伸成形...5
1.4.3 彎曲成形...6
1.5 論文總覽...7
第二章 基礎理論...8
2.1 沖剪成形...8
2.1.1 模具間隙...8
2.2 引伸成形...10
2.2.1 引伸胚料展開...10
2.2.2 引伸加工製程...11
2.3 彎曲成形...13
2.3.1 彈回現象...14
2.4 材料延性破壞準則...15
2.5 金屬成形之有限元素分析理論...17
第三章 研究方法...19
3.1 材料性質試驗...19
3.1.1 實驗原理...19
3.1.2 實驗步驟...20
3.2 異形活塞與道次設計...23
3.2.1 異形活塞...23
3.2.2 道次設計...23
3.3 有限元素模擬分析...24
3.3.1 PAM-STAMP軟體簡介...24
3.3.2 沖剪製程模擬規劃...25
3.3.3 引伸製程模擬規劃...27
3.3.4 引伸與引縮製程模擬規劃...30
3.3.5 彎曲製程模擬規劃...31
3.4 實驗方法...32
3.4.1 模具製作...32
3.4.2 沖壓實驗...32
3.5 田口品質方法...33
第四章 結果與討論...34
4.1 材料特性分析...34
4.2 沖剪成形分析...36
4.3 引伸成形分析...38
4.3.1 摩擦係數分析...38
4.3.2 引伸成形分析...45
4.3.3 引伸與引縮成形分析...68
4.3.4 壓料力對成形性之分析...76
4.4 彎曲成形分析...80
4.4.1 彎曲件成形性分析...80
4.4.2 彎曲件應力分析...83
4.4.3 回彈分析...85
4.5 製程最佳化分析...86
4.6 模具設計...99
4.7 模擬與實驗結果比對...103
4.8 成品尺寸量測...106
第五章 結論與建議...107
5.1 結論...107
5.2 建議...108
Extended Abstract...130

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