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研究生(外文):Kuo-An Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Designing and Research of ARPG Online Game Scenes and Characters
外文關鍵詞:online gamePRGARPGhome economy
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關鍵字: 網路遊戲、RPG、ARPG、宅經濟

In this thesis, we discussed the development of online ARPG (action role-playing game) software Monster Stories. This game combines a role-playing game (RPG) and a fighting game (ACT) that are popular on the market today. It not only integrates Japanese monster legends and Chinese elements into the plot, which makes players feel the sound and light effects of the animation and the fun of the various quaint legends about Japanese monsters during playing the game, but also quickly ascends as a leisure game that is different from others on the market right now. Besides, the game reduces the most costs of doing the research and creates greater profits. This game even integrates entertainment with education. It not only makes "otakus" (homebody) who have plenty of time and busy office workers become players of Monster Stories, but also develops a "home economy." The main spirit of designing Monster Stories is to surpass the fighting game with the same quality on the market and creates another distinct kind of game software. This thesis comprises the current production technologies and procedures of creating Monster Stories.
1. Game Plan: It includes the preparations which embrace data collection and environmental planning.
2.Architecture Design: It includes the main architecture, system integration and theme verdict for designing the game.
3. Progress Control: It includes planning the schedule of drawing the game and
controlling the scheduled progress.
4 Making the Game Play: It includes making up the story scripts of the game.
5. Character Set: It includes setting character traits and functionality in the game.
6. Import the Story: It includes writing the story plot and importing the game engine.
7. Scene Assignment: It includes planning and allocating scenes.
Keywords: online game, PRG, ARPG, home economy

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 viii
一、緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 冒險遊戲的淺談 1
1.3 電玩藝術性與互動美學 2
1.4 ARPG的發展 3
1.5 台灣線上遊戲發展現況 5
1.6 國際市場遊戲發展現況 6
1.7 目前近況 7
1.8 遊戲目前及未來展望 8
二、文獻探討 11
2.1 電玩遊戲成功典範中的美學風格 11
2.2.線上遊戲的虛擬世界及未來趨勢 12
2.3 遊戲設計的特性 13
2.4 線上遊戲的開發發展流程 20
2.5 網路遊戲的發展性 20
2.6 遊戲設計方法與開發工具 21
2.7 數位遊戲設計的特質 22
三、遊戲設計與架構 25
3.1 遊戲企劃工作:遊戲規劃 25
3.2 故事大綱 27
3.3 腳本劇情 27
3.4 人物介紹 29
3.5 遊戲的故事腳本編寫 48
3.6 遊戲構造圖 65
3.7 遊戲操作 66
3.8 音樂/音效 75
3.9 系統環境需求 76
3.10軟體 76
四、妖怪物語的實際操作 77
4.1 進入遊戲的首頁 77
4.2 遊戲主目錄 77
4.3 操作說明 84
4.4 道具說明 88
4.5 書卷 97
4.6 怪物角色解說道具說明 97
4.7 人物介紹 100
4.8 選擇區 107
4.9 遊戲第一關 109
4.10儲存遊戲檔案 112
4.11遊戲第二關 112
五、結論 118
5.1 結論 118
5.2 本研究對未來遊戲方向的建議 121
參考文獻 126

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