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研究生(外文):Li-Lan Liu
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Application of Natural Organic Form and Hands on Batik Techniqueson Fashion Design and Creative Works
指導教授(外文):Ho-Chin Chen
外文關鍵詞:Organic formBatik techniqueFashion designAnalytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
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With the evolution of time, people have paid more attention on expectations and aesthetics of clothing. Clothing is not only the clothes worn by people, but it also encompasses accessories and jewelries. Clothing is also a manifestation of the development of an ethnic culture. It can present people’s looks and styles. It can also enhance an individual’s cultural quality and aesthetic standard. As a result, the development of clothing up until now has met more than the basic needs of providing warmth and covering. Therefore, this study tries to apply natural organic form and hands-on batik techniques on fashion design and creative works. Through the actual case of organic form transformation and hands-on batik techniques, it is hoped that fashion design could be granted with more perspectives and possibilities.
Through literature review, the study first explored the status of development of batik techniques, organic form, and fashion design. Next, based on the experts and scholars’ experience and knowledge of the related fields, through group discussion, brainstorming, and KJ Method, preliminary acquisition and categorization of design elements of fashion batik clothing were conducted. Secondly, through structural questionnaire survey, evaluation and selection of design elements were carried out to establish design elements of fashion batik clothing. Furthermore, through Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), the weight and order of each design element were calculated. In addition, consistency test was conducted to ensure the consensus of all design elements, which could be used as a reference for fashion batik clothing design. In addition, throughout the creative process of this study, systematic production process was intended to specifically carry out the development and implementation of creative design. At the same time, using natural organic form as a reference, themes of creative works were based on elements of natural organic form, including flowers, leaves, rocks, shells, people, and zentangle. Moreover, based on the foundation of rich cultural heritage, hands-on batik techniques were used on natural cotton and linen fabric materials. They were applied on scarves, handkerchiefs, bags, canvas bags, and design of spring and summer female clothing. Through this, it is hoped that actual and specific batik clothing design and work presentation could be achieved.
Results of the study show that: (1) Through the application of group brainstorming and KJ Method, six aspects and 35 design elements were compiled. The aspects are namely batik design expression, color application, material application, popular concept, clothing model, and professional perception. (2) Through Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), the first ten design elements are successively “innovation’s originality”, a weighted value of 0.148; “soothing color combination”, a weighted value of 0.121; “design concept”, a weighted value of 0.106; “natural permeability”, a weighted value of 0.098; “sophistication and sturdiness of sewing”, a weighted value of 0.073; .“graphic style”, a weighted value of 0.061; “fine texture”, a weighted value of 0.058; “fashion aesthetic”, a weighted value of 0.045; “artistic quality”, a weighted value of 0.037; “handling of aesthetic details”, a weighted value of 0.036. (3) Through the imagery conversion of natural organic form, six main categories and 16models of paper image conception design were performed. Furthermore, these 17 models of conception design were evaluated. At the end, six main categories and 12 models were selected to perform actual batik clothing creations.
With the above results, the study used elements of natural organic form and zentangle as its theme. Batik techniques were used as the principal component, through which culturally unique creative fashion batik clothing design was developed. At the same time, the value and significance of creative fashion batik clothing were enhanced. In this way, this could be provided as a basis and reference for fashion batik clothing designers as they create in order to understand the potential elements in need that constitute creative fashion batik clothing. At the same time, the weighted value analysis of design elements could also be used as an academic reference for the development of fashion design features.

摘要 I
誌謝 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 X
一、緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 1
1.3 研究範圍與限制 2
1.4研究架構與流程 3
二、文獻探討 5
2.1 蠟染 5
2.1.1蠟染的定義 5
2.1.2蠟染的歷史與發展 6
2.1.3蠟染相關應用與研究 6
2.1.4臺灣傳統手染蠟染服飾特性 11
2.1.5蠟染相關文獻 13
2.2 服飾設計 15
2.2.1服飾設計定義 15
2.2.2服裝設計原則 16
2.2.3服裝設計相關研究 17
2.2.4時尚與時裝 18
2.2.5時尚與流行之差異 24
2.3 自然有機造形 25
2.3.1 何謂有機造形 25
2.3.2自然有機造形 26
2.3.3有機形態相關研究 28
2.4禪繞畫 29
2.5服飾圖案設計 29
2.5.1中外服飾圖案設計發展 30
2.5.2服飾圖案應用與設計 33
2.6分析層級程序法 37
2.6.1 意義與特性 37
2.6.2 基本假設 37
2.6.3 層級結構 38
2.6.4 相關研究 39
三、研究方法與步驟 41
3.1 服飾設計要素之建立 41
3.2 服飾設計權重之計算 42
3.2.1 AHP實施步驟 42
3.2.2分析層級程序法問卷設計 46
3.3 時尚蠟染服飾設計創作與實現 47
3.3.1蠟染材料 47
3.3.2 蠟染工具 48
3.3.3蠟染製作程序與方法 50
四、案例研究與創作設計 55
4.1 建立時尚蠟染服飾設計要素 55
4.2 確認時尚蠟染服飾設計要素 58
4.3 時尚蠟染服飾設計要素之權重值 61
4.4 時尚蠟染服飾設計與製作 67
4.4.1 確認設計目標與任務 67
4.4.2 概念設計 69
4.4.3 具體設計 87
五、結論與建議 102
5.1 結論 102
5.2 建議 102
參考文獻 104
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附錄二蠟染服飾設計要素項目AHP問卷調查 111

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