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研究生(外文):Mohamed Magdy Asaad Abdelmeguid Elkarimy
論文名稱(外文):Customer Satisfaction through Product & Service Quality: An International Comparison Study
指導教授(外文):Te-Kuang Chou
口試委員(外文):Yung-Chi, ChangWang
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It is obvious that customers are important stakeholders in organizations and their satisfaction is a priority to management. Customer satisfaction has been a subject of great interest to organizations and researchers alike. In recent years, organizations are obliged to render more services in addition to their offers. The quality of service has become an aspect of customer satisfaction. It has been proven by some researchers that service quality is related to customer satisfaction. Others used product quality to evaluate customer satisfaction. What about the relationship between customer satisfaction and service & product quality together, here we will measure customer satisfaction through quality and we did that research on Fong Kee International Machinery Co., Ltd. (FKI). Many service organizations have embraced relationship marketing with its focus on maximizing customer lifetime value. Recently, there has been considerable controversy about whether here is a link between customer satisfaction and retention. This research question is important to researchers who are attempting to understand how customers' assessments of services influence their subsequent behavior. Convenience technique was used to collect quantitative data from customers of Fong Kee International Machinery Co., Ltd. (FKI) to get their satisfaction levels and meaning of service & product quality.

The research finds that customers are highly satisfied with machine performance and friendliness of sales team while satisfied with machine software, stability, final product, overall machine appearance, also for service they were satisfied with responsiveness to inquiries, after sales service, technical Support but they were not satisfied with the availability of spare parts.

Keywords: Customer satisfaction, product quality and service quality.

It is obvious that customers are important stakeholders in organizations and their satisfaction is a priority to management. Customer satisfaction has been a subject of great interest to organizations and researchers alike. In recent years, organizations are obliged to render more services in addition to their offers. The quality of service has become an aspect of customer satisfaction. It has been proven by some researchers that service quality is related to customer satisfaction. Others used product quality to evaluate customer satisfaction. What about the relationship between customer satisfaction and service & product quality together, here we will measure customer satisfaction through quality and we did that research on Fong Kee International Machinery Co., Ltd. (FKI). Many service organizations have embraced relationship marketing with its focus on maximizing customer lifetime value. Recently, there has been considerable controversy about whether here is a link between customer satisfaction and retention. This research question is important to researchers who are attempting to understand how customers' assessments of services influence their subsequent behavior. Convenience technique was used to collect quantitative data from customers of Fong Kee International Machinery Co., Ltd. (FKI) to get their satisfaction levels and meaning of service & product quality.

The research finds that customers are highly satisfied with machine performance and friendliness of sales team while satisfied with machine software, stability, final product, overall machine appearance, also for service they were satisfied with responsiveness to inquiries, after sales service, technical Support but they were not satisfied with the availability of spare parts.

Keywords: Customer satisfaction, product quality and service quality.

1.1 Introductory Background 1
1.2 Reasons for researching in this area 4
1.3 The Purpose of this Study 5
1.4 Research Question 5
1.5 Research Design 5
2.1 Customer satisfaction 7
2.2 Product Quality 11
2.3 Service Quality 16
2.4 Research Expectations 20
2.5 Research Framework 21
3.1 Questionnaire Design 22
3.2.1Measurement for Product Quality 22
3.2.2 Measurement for Service Quality 23
3.2.3 Personal Questions 23
3.3 Data Collection Method 24
3.4 Data Analysis Method 24
3.4.1 Descriptive Statistics Analysis 24
3.4.2 Reliability Analysis 24
3.4.4 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 25
4.1 Structure Analysis 26
4.2 Descriptive Analysis 28
4.3 Reliability Analysis 34
4.4 ANOVA Analysis 35
5.1 Research Conclusion 38
5.2 Research Limitations 39
5.3 Research Recommendations 40
References 41
Appendix Questionnaire 44


Table 2.1: Summery of Expectations 20
Table 3.1: Questions of Product 22
Table 3.2: Questions of Service 23
Table 3.3: Questions of Information 23
Table 4.1: Location 26
Table 4.2: Position 27
Table 4.3: Experience 27
Table 4.4: Descriptive Statistics 28
Table 4.5: Reliability Statistics 34
Table 4.6: Correlation Matrix 34
Table 4.7: Item-Total Statistics 35
Table 4.8: Homogeneity of Variances 35
Table 4.9: ANOVA 35
Table 4.10: Multiple Comparisons 36
Table 5.1: Research Findings 38


Figure 1.1: Research design 6
Figure 2.1: Framework 21
Figure 4.1: Location 26
Figure 4.2: Position 27
Figure 4.3: Years of Experience 28
Figure 4.4: Performance 29
Figure 4.5: Software 29
Figure 4.6: Stability 30
Figure 4.7: Final Product 30
Figure 4.8: Overall Appearance 31
Figure 4.9: Friendliness 31
Figure 4.10: Responsiveness 32
Figure 4.11: After Sales 32
Figure 4.12: Technical Support 33
Figure 4.13: Availability of Spare parts 33
Figure 4.14: Mean Plots 37

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