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研究生(外文):Lin , Hung Chia
論文名稱(外文):Value creation of servitization innovation: A perspective of asset specificity
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Wen HongChen, Shieh Liang
口試委員(外文):Chiu, Wen HongChen, Shieh LiangChang, Huo TsanCheng, Bor WenChang, Yuan Chieh
外文關鍵詞:Service Innovationservitizationasset specificityvalue creationdynamic Capabilities
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製造業服務化是我國產業結構優化政策最主要的推動主軸之一,然而,過去有關製造服務化議題大多著重在科技化服務創新、供應鏈整合服務、技術流程與演化、服務化績效等議題,少有以專屬資產觀點探討製造服務化創新之價值創造,亦即製造業如何以無形或有形的特有專屬資產投入於製造服務化創新,以達到顧客的深度依賴。依據文獻歸納服務化深度為「產品導向」與「顧客導向」,並歸納製造服務化動態路徑廣度為「路徑相依」與「外部機會」,據此建構二維專屬資產策略分析架構。本研究篩選台灣百大製造業中30家、中堅製造業17家與通過創新科技應用與服務計畫 (ITAS) 9家,使用多重的證據來源並自行建立製造服務化事件資料庫,而資料分析主要依循類型比對、解釋建構、時間序列分析、與程序邏輯模式等方式,以每一製造服務化事件為分析單元,採文本分析法解讀,再運用內容分析法進行命名修正與建構類目。本文主要獲得以下七項發現:首先,製造服務化創新四大專屬資產價值創造為綠色資源價值創造、知識價值創造、智能價值創造、與顧問管家價值創造;其次,製造服務化透過綠色資源價值創造之創新,強調資源分享與回收再利用,使顧客兼具成本效能與社會責任,以增強顧客黏著度;第三、製造服務化透過知識價值創造之創新,強調知識圖庫完整專屬服務,提供顧客快速與精確之研發與製造服務,以增強顧客黏著度;第四、製造服務化透過智能價值創造之創新,強調智慧製造與智能終端服務,提供顧客精準與預測之研發與製造服務,以增強顧客黏著度;第五、製造服務化透過顧問管家價值創造之創新,強調整合性諮詢規畫與全方位服務,提供顧客完全解決方案服務,以提升顧客高度依賴性;第六、二維專屬資產策略分析中,加值性服務化策略以知識價值創造為主、差異性服務策略以化智能價值創造為主、開拓性服務化策略以綠色資源價值創造與智能價值創造為主、以及整合性服務化策略以顧問管家價值創造為主;第七、製造服務化創新演化中,綠色資源價值創造與知識價值創造呈遞減趨勢,反觀智能價值創造呈遞增趨勢,而顧問管家價值創造則呈現倒U演進。
Servitization is one of the significant keys promoting the optimization of industrial structure in our country. However, past studies related to servitization topics mainly focused on technological service innovation, integration service of supply chain, technological process and evolution, as well as servitization performances. Very few have explored the value creation of servitization innovation based on the perspective of asset specificity, meaning how the manufacturing industry devotes itself to the servitization innovation based on the unique intangible or tangible assets in order to achieve customer adherence. The depth of servitization is organized and categorized into “product-oriented” and “customer-oriented” according to the literature review, whereas the dynamic path of servitization is divided into “path dependence” and “external opportunity”. The 2-dimension strategy framework of asset specificity is then constructed based on these. This study selected 30 manufacturers from the top 100 manufacturers in Taiwan, 17 hardcore manufacturers as well as 9 manufacturers which have passed the Innovative Technology Applications and Services Program (ITAS). The data collection emphasized multiple evidence sources and further a servitization event database was constructed. The data analysis mainly followed the methods of pattern matching, explanation building, time-series analysis and program logic model. Each servitization event was treated as an analysis unit. Then this study adopted text analysis approach and further content analysis approach was applied to conduct the correction of the coding names and the categorization construction. This study has mainly obtained seven findings as follows. First, the four value-creation types for servitization innovation concern green value creation of resources, value creation of knowledge, value creation of intelligence, and value creation of consultant and manager. Second, the servitization innovation through the green value creation of resources emphasizes resource sharing and recycling for reuse. This offers the customers with both cost efficacy and social responsibility, thereby enhancing the customer adherence. Third, the servitization innovation through the value creation of knowledge emphasizes the specific service of a comprehensive knowledge database. This provides the customers with fast and accurate R&D as well as manufacturing services, thereby enhancing the customer adherence. Fourth, the servitization innovation through the value creation of intelligence emphasizes intelligent manufacturing and intellectual end services. This provides the customers with precise and predicted R&D as well as manufacturing services, thereby enhancing the customer adherence. Fifth, the servitization innovation through the value creation of consultant and manager emphasizes integrated planning consultation as well as comprehensive services. This provides customers with a total solution, thereby enhancing the customer adherence. Sixth, in the 2-dimension strategy framework of asset specificity, the strategy for value-added servitization is mainly based on the value creation of knowledge; the strategy for differentiated servitization is mainly based on the value creation of intelligence; the strategy for expanded servitization is mainly based on the green value creation of resources and value creation of intelligence; and the strategy for integrated servitization is mainly based on the value creation of consultant and manger. Seventh, in the evolution of servitization innovation, the green value creation of resources and value creation of knowledge show a decreasing trend. In contrast, the value creation of intelligence shows an increasing trend. Moreover, the evolution of the value creation of consultant and manger displays an inverted U type.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
目錄 VI
表目次 VIII
圖目次 IX
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 7
第三節 研究目的 7
第四節 研究方法 9
第五節 論文架構 10
第二章 文獻探討 11
第一節 服務創新 11
第二節 製造服務化 13
第三節 專屬資產 16
第四節 價值創造 19
第三章 研究方法 23
第一節 分析架構 23
第二節 個案選擇 26
第三節 資料蒐集與分析 27
第四節 分析範例 28
第五節 可信賴度評估 33

第四章 結果與討論 35
第一節 製造服務化專屬資產策略歸納 35
第二節 四大策略與四大專屬資產交叉分析 75
第三節 製造服務化演化歸納分析 79
第四節 討論 86
第五章 結論 97
第一節 結論 97
第二節 管理意涵 100
第三節 研究限制與未來研究 103

參考文獻 104

表 2製造服務化文獻彙整表 16
表 3-1製造業與中堅製造業個案公司 27
表 3-2專家背景與訪談記錄表 32
表 4-1製造服務化專屬資產企業歸納分析 62
表 4-2製造服務化專屬資產類型分布比率表 71
表 4-3製造服務化專屬資產應用產業比率分析 74
表 4-4四大策略專屬資產與價值鏈交叉分析 76
表 4-5四大策略專屬資產與價值鏈專屬資產分類交叉分析 77

圖 1-1 各年度收件、審查及核定通過情形 5
圖 1 製造服務化策略分析架構圖 24
圖 2 自建資料庫 31
圖 3 資料庫來源 32
圖 4-1製造服務化四大專屬資產價值創造 35
圖 4-2知識圖庫 41
圖 4-3中鋼扣件雲產業聯盟 41
圖 4-4潤泰客戶商情分析 41
圖 4-5智慧製造示意圖 44
圖 4-6中鋼與中油蒸氣氫氣互通示意圖 46
圖 4-7巴士共乘-光罩 47
圖 4-8巨大美利達自行車產業聯盟 57
圖 4-9旭寬VFM服務平台 61
圖 4-10華城電機智慧型監測服務平台 62
圖 4-11製造服務化專屬資產策略類型歸納 66
圖 4-12製造服務化分類比率 67
圖 4-13製造服務化類型細項比率 68
圖 4-14製造服務化專屬資產應用產業比率分析 73
圖 4-15四大策略與四大專屬資產交叉分析 76
圖 4-16製造服務化專屬資產要素 78
圖 4-17四大價值鏈專屬資產與年份交叉分析 80
圖 4-18專屬資產分類與年份交叉分析 81
圖 4-19專屬資產細項與年份交叉分析 82
圖 4-20產業別與年份交叉分析 83
圖 4-21四大策略與年份交叉分析 84
圖 4-22百大與專屬資產分類交叉分析 85
圖 4-23百大與四大策略交叉 86
圖 4-24綠色資源價值創造 89
圖 4-25知識價值創造 90
圖 4-26智能價值創造 91
圖 4-27顧問管家價值創造 93
圖 4-28製造服務化四大策略專屬資產 95

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