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論文名稱(外文):Information content of volatility spread and its trading strategies: Evidence from the Taiwan market
外文關鍵詞:Implied volatility spreadInformation hypothesisPredictabilityTrading strategies
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Based on the intraday data of Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weight Stock Index (TAIEX) options ranging from 2007 to 2015, this research investigates the impact of implied volatility spread on the TAIEX index and examines whether volatility spread of TAIEX options possesses predictability. Empirical results suggest that the impact of implied volatility spread on the TAIEX index is positive, supporting the information hypothesis. We also find that implied volatility spread has the ability in predicting subsequently TAIEX returns. Based on these findings, we develop a volatility-spread-based strategy and examine performances of this strategy in trading TAIEX index, TAIEX futures, and the Taiwan 50 ETF, respectively. We find that the volatility-spread-based trading strategy generates a positive profit in the absence of transaction costs. After taking transaction costs into account, traders still profit by applying this strategy in trading TAEIX futures.
第一章、 緒論 1
第二章、 文獻回顧 3
第三章、 研究來源與研究模型 7
第一節 資料來源與處理 7
第二節 隱含波動率之計算 7
第三節 隱含波動率價差之計算 8
第四節 隱含波動率價差對當期價格之影響 10
第五節 隱含波動率價差對未來報酬之預測能力 10
第六節 隱含波動率價差交易策略 11
第四章、 實證結果分析 12
第一節 敘述性統計 12
第二節 實證結果 17
第五章、 隱含波動率價差交易策略之操作績效 23
第六章、 結論 36
參考文獻 37

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