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論文名稱:整合非RFID感測器於EPCglobal結構框架上之研究— 以工具機產業為例
論文名稱(外文):The study of integrating non-RFID sensors into the EPCglobal Architecture Framework — in the case of machine tool industry
外文關鍵詞:EPCglobal Architecture FrameworkApplication Level EventsIntelligent Machine ToolInternet of ThingsRFID
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現行EPCglobal結構框架上的應用層級事件(ALE)介面只能處理以無線射頻辨識(RFID)標籤技術為主的感知設備,對於一般的感測器元件並無相對應之應用介面,使得 EPCglobal網路在未來物聯網的產業應用上受到限制。本論文探討如何將傳統EPCglobal結構框架中應用層級事件介面進行擴充,以整合非RFID的感測器設備,讓感測元件能夠藉由應用層級事件銜接到EPCglobal網路上。

Machine tool industry is one of the most important economic industries in Taiwan, which ranks the seventh in the output value among global CNC machine tool industries in 2014. With severe challenges from the international market, our machine tool industry must rely on R&D, upgrade and innovation to maintain competitive advantage. Currently, global machine tool industry regards the development of intelligent machine tools as its primary goal, focusing on the key technologies for implementing processing decision-making system, self-monitoring and optimized control, online measuring, equipment learning and self-adaption, and smooth exchange between different machines. In view of such trend, this study aims to help integrate CNC machine tool with the architecture framework and standard of EPCglobal network services in Internet of Things, in order to improve machine tool’s functions in intelligent sensing, self-monitoring and decision-making, and automatic information exchange.
The Application Level Events (ALE) interface within current the EPCglobal Architecture Framework can only support the sensing equipment which mainly adopts RFID label technology, lacking correspondent application interface for other general sensor components and thus limiting the application of EPCglobal network in the future IoT industry. Toward such issue, this research probes into how to expand the ALE interface within the traditional EPCglobal Architecture Framework to integrate non-RFID sensors and enable sensor components to connect with EPCglobal network via ALE.
At present, the major consumption cost of machine tool is spent on the improper manual operation, which leads to the wastage or replacement of materials or equipment. Therefore, this study hopes to prompt relevant businesses to carry out overall monitoring and warning notification for their machine tools, in order to reduce labor cost, material consumption and the loss due to improper manual operation. Another goal of this study is to drive the application of machine tool in IoT structure. In this way, the products can generate the documents and reports that comply with EPC framework standard in XML format, and connect with global supply chain via EPCglobal network to enhance product traceability, intelligent asset monitoring management as well as optimized manufacturing processing.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第三節 論文流程與架構 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 工具機產業概述 9
第二節 EPCglobal網路簡介 12
第三節 EPCglobal框架架構 14
第四節 應用層級事件 20
第三章 研究方法 24
第一節 結合工具機廠之規劃 24
第二節 應用於工具機之應用層級事件架構 24
第三節 EPCglobal結構框架於工具機台 30
第四章 報表呈現 35
第一節 商業核心字彙簡介 35
第二節 應用層級事件規則訂定 38
第五章 結論 44
第一節 研究回顧與成果 44
第二節 未來展望 45
參考文獻 46
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