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研究生(外文):Yang Chen-Te
論文名稱(外文):A study of Mobile Phone Camera Supplier Selection
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With todays fast paced communication and increasingly close contact between people around the world, mobile phones have become an important communication tool for all. The mobile phone industry has thus continued to expand and grow globally with smart phone features becoming progressively diverse. In turn, one of the most important consumer purchase indicator, aside from basic functionalities, was and is the built in camera on a mobile device. Continued advancements in built-in camera technology have also served to transform the consumers’ electronics market as well as impacted the once considerably-sized digital camera market. Simply, the basic habits and rituals of everyday communication is now no longer limited to text or sound, but enriched with vivid images and video transmissions. More and more consumers are concerned about camera phones specifications and quality, driving the need for manufacturers to reevaluate their supplier. In order to offer cost-competitive products in line with consumer demand, manufacturers must choose camera module suppliers who can provide reliable quality, consistent delivery, and competitive pricing.
This research based on Delphi method and AHP to study critical factors of mobile phone camera supplier’s evaluation and selection. According to study scientific and technical paper documents and specialist’s interview, summarize “supplier’s scale”, “technical capability”, “production capability”, and “service” 4 dimensions and 17 indicators. Quality control is the most important indicator (total weight 8.92%). Hence, supplier shall concentrate on the capability of quality control department and relative training. Secondary is the production cost control capability (total weight 8.91%). Therefore, except the production cost control and the most important evaluation and selection factor is quality control.

摘 要 i
誌 謝 v
目 錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究方法與研究架構 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1手機相機模組介紹 4
2.2供應商評選之文獻探討 6
2.3供應商評選準則與相關研究 10
第三章 研究方法與研究設計 12
3.1 德爾菲法 (Delphi Method) 12
3.2 層級分析法 (Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP) 13
3.2.1 AHP適用範圍 14
3.2.2 AHP的理論基本假設 15
3.3.3 AHP的實施步驟 16
3.3 研究方法 22
3.4 研究流程 23
第四章 資料分析與討論 25
4.1 第一階段德爾菲法問卷調查資料分析與討論 25
4.2 第二階段AHP問卷統計分析 28
4.3 小結 37
第五章 結論與建議 39
5.1 結論 39
5.2 未來研究的方向與建議 40
參考文獻 42
附錄A 德爾菲法專家意見諮詢問卷 46
附錄B AHP問卷 52
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