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論文名稱(外文):Durability Characteristics of Bio-Coal Made from Municipal Solid Wastes
外文關鍵詞:DurabilityMunicipal Solid WastesBio-Coal
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由近似分析、元素分析及熱值測定實驗結果可知廢碳黑的比例增加,可提升固定碳含量、碳含量及熱值並減少揮發份含量及氧含量;由HGI值測定結果得知經焙燒之生物質可提升其研磨度;由堅牢度測試結果得知樣品三廢木竹類比例為61 wt%,其堅牢度最低為85.69 %;由疏水性實驗結果得知廢紙類比例增加會增加其吸濕率(廢紙類22 wt%)吸水量為9 wt%,廢碳黑比例增加可提高生質煤之疏水性;綜合以上實驗結果,摻配比例為廢食用油16 wt%、廢木竹類1 wt%、廢紙類11 wt%、廢棉布類11 wt%及廢碳黑60 wt%的樣品六,其堅牢度為92.07%、HGI值為23.94°H及吸水量6.9 wt%存放特性最佳。
A rapid increase in the demand for domestic energy and an ongoing lack of renewable energy sources has prompted researchers to find alternative sources of energy. The transformation of biowaste into bio-coal appears to be a workable solution to the problem of overcoming our reliance on fossil fuels. This study selected biowaste with a high calorific value and relatively low chlorine content for the creation of bio-coal. We began by blending biowaste, carbon black and waste cooking oil under compression to manufacture bio-coal. Through the PDI, HGI and hydrophobicity, discussion on durability characteristics of bio-coal.
In this study, the results of the experiment show that the ratio of carbon black in bio-coal is positively correlated with its calorific value, carbon content, and fixed carbon. We found that the torrefaction caused the fuels to exhibit similar pulverization properties as coals with increasing HGI values. Durability test results show that bio-coal comprising 61 wt% waste woods, has lowest PDI as 85.69%. Hydrophobicity test results show that bio-coal comprising 22 wt% waste paper, has the highest moisture absorption capacity as 9%. Based on the above results that bio-coal comprising 60 wt% carbon black, 1 wt % waste woods, 11 wt % waste paper, 11 wt % waste textiles, 16 wt % waste cooking oil, and 1 wt % calcium carbonate has the greatest durability characteristics.
摘要 i
目錄 ii
表目錄 iv
圖目錄 v
第一章 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 動機 6
1.3 目的 7
第二章 文獻回顧 8
2.1 生物質 8
2.1.1生質廢棄物 9
2.1.2 都市固體廢棄物 10
2.1.3 廢棄物來源 10
2.1.4 廢棄物組成 12
2.2 生質煤製作與特性 16
2.2.1 基本性質 18
2.3 存放特性 26
第三章 研究內容及方法 30
3.1 研究內容與架構 30
3.2 垃圾樣本採集來源與方式 32
3.2.1 垃圾採樣方法 34
3.2.2 採樣器具 36
3.3 實驗方法 38
3.3.1 實驗流程 39
3.3.2 生質煤材料的挑選與備製 39
3.3.3 實驗方法與器材 41
3.3.4 堅牢度測試 52
3.3.5 疏水性 52
3.3.6 HGI值測定 53
第四章 結果與討論 55
4.1 材料挑選結果 55
4.2 生質煤基本性質 60
4.2.1 擠壓成型結果 60
4.2.2 近似分析結果 69
4.2.3 元素分析結果 73
4.2.4 熱值分析結果 77
4.3 堅牢度分析結果 81
4.4 研磨度分析結果 83
4.5 疏水性分析結果 85
第五章 結論與建議 93
5.1 結論 93
5.2 建議 94
參考文獻 95
附錄 100
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