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研究生(外文):Sin-Ru Lin
論文名稱(外文):Material Flow and Resource Potential of Rare Resource in NiMH Battery
指導教授(外文):Tien-Chin Chang
外文關鍵詞:Rare Resource Material Flow Resource Potential Recycling
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Nickel-metal hydride battery have replaced nickel cadmium battery and occupied the rechargeable battery market, due to its high electrochemical performance, safety, better environmental compatibility, temperature range, long life cycle and low self-discharge characteristics.
This study using material flow for the theoretical basic and mass balance. Analysis the import and export, manufacturing, market trading and waste data to establish the rare resources flow of NiMH battery in 2014 in Taiwan. Finally, comparing recycle status, reserve system and establishing NiMH battery recycling strategies and management system.
The results show that Taiwan imported 239 tons of NiMH battery in 2014 and exported 18 tons of NiMH battery. There are 779 tons of NiMH battery was manufactured, the turnover of NiMH battery in 2014 was 760 tons, and waste reached 245 tons. We learned from literature review that rare resource materials such as nickel, cobalt, manganese, titanium, lanthanum, cerium, samarium, neodymium and praseodymium are present in waste NiMH battery. About 90 million potential output value can be recycled in the NiMH battery in no-cost cases. For this reason, recycling NiMH battery can not only reduce pollution, but also slow down the shortage of resource.
摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 前言 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3研究流程與範疇 2
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1鎳氫電池產品趨勢 5
2.1.1鎳氫電池產品特性與組成 5
2.1.2國外鎳氫電池產品現況 8
2.1.3國內鎳氫電池產品現況 9
2.2廢鎳氫電池再生處理現況 10
2.2.1廢鎳氫電池稀有資源析出方法 11
2.2.2國外廢鎳氫電池再生處理現況 15
2.2.3國內廢鎳氫電池再生處理現況 18
2.3稀有資源應用剖析 20
2.3.1稀有資源之範疇界定與分布 21
2.3.2國外稀有資源之應用 26
2.3.3國內稀有資源之應用 28
2.4物質流分析理論基礎 30
2.4.1物質流分析定義 30
2.4.2物質流佈分析演進與分類 33
2.4.3國內外物質流佈分析應用研究 35
第三章 研究方法與步驟 38
3.1研究內容與流程 38
3.2物質流佈分析流程與步驟 38
3.2.1物質流流程與步驟 39
3.2.2物質流資料蒐集及模式架構 40
3.3資源化潛勢計算 42
3.3.1文獻蒐集法 42
3.3.2資源化潛勢計算 42
第四章 結果與討論 43
4.1鎳氫電池流佈分析 43
4.1.1進出口量分析 43
4.1.2產業製造量與營業量分析 46
4.1.3廢棄量分析 47
4.2廢鎳氫電池資源化潛勢 49
4.2.1鎳氫電池資源分析 50
4.2.2廢鎳氫電池資源循環潛勢 53
4.2.3廢鎳氫電池產值分析 53
4.3廢鎳氫電池流佈之整合分析 56
4.3.1鎳氫電池物質流分析 57
4.3.2鎳氫電池稀有資源流佈 58
4.3.3綜合評析 59
4.4鎳氫電池資源循環整合 60
4.4.1鎳氫電池回收管理現況比較 60
4.4.2稀有資源儲備制度分析 64
4.4.3鎳氫電池循環再利用管理策略 84
第五章 結論與建議 86
5.1結論 86
5.2建議 87
參考文獻 88
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