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研究生(外文):Zhong-Hua Cai
論文名稱(外文):A novel multifunction assessment system for upper limb force exertion
指導教授(外文):Hsieh-Ching Chen
口試委員(外文):Xiao-Fan LiangYi-Lang Chen
外文關鍵詞:Force measurementRisk assessmentMSDs
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Musculoskeletal hazards are mainly caused by risk factors of awkward posture, forceful exertion, high repetitive movement, etc... Widely accepted ergonomics assessment tools consider the impact of these factors on workers’ health. However, workers’ exertion force cant be visualized, and is usually affected by factors such as body size, gender, age, glove use and many other factors. Therefore, some risk assessment tools for upper extremity musculoskeletal hazard recommend adopting workers subjective feelings (e.g. OCRA, HAL-TLV, KIM-MHO) or conducting measurement (OCRA, HAL-TLV, EAWS) to determine the force level.
Using subjective evaluation, like Borgs RPE, to determine workers exertion level certainly has its convenience. However, inexperienced investigators often feel difficult to judge the reasonableness of subjective feelings. Furthermore, most commercially available force measurement devices such as grip / pinch gauges or pull / push force devices are with only single or limited functions. We do not notice any universal device with portability that can be adjusted and tailored to measure various force exertions in actual work situation.
The research develops a multi-function system for assessing working force to accommodate the use of upper extremity hazard assessment tools (e.g. OCRA, HAL-TLV, KIM-MHO, EAWS). Combined with various accessories, the system can measure pushing, pulling, gripping, and pinch force data on job sites by mobile devices or a personal computer with Bluetooth. Collected data are analyzed afterward by using analysis software developed in this research.
摘 要 i
誌 謝 v
目 錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 3
1.4 研究架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 肌肉骨骼危害 5
2.1.1重複性上肢肌肉骨骼疾病 5
2.1.2肌肉骨骼疾病的流行病學數據與衝擊 5
2.1.3肌肉骨骼傷害研究方法 6
2.2 上肢危害評估工具 7
2.2.1 OCRA Index 7
2.2.2 HAL-TLV 9
2.2.3 KIM-MHO 12
2.2.4 EAWS 15
2.3手工具設計 17
第三章 研究方法 18
3.1研究流程 18
3.2施力類型及計測數據收集 19
3.2.1推力(Push)與拉力(Pull) 20
3.2.2握力(Grip) 23
3.2.3指夾力(Pinch) 23
3.3市售可攜式施力裝置資料收集 25
3.3.1握力計 26
3.3.2拉力/壓力計 26
3.3.3指夾力計 27
3.4力量測量需求分析 28
3.5施力量測裝置設計規劃 30
3.5.1本體結構設計與荷重元件選擇 30
3.5.2可置換配件及連接器設計 30
3.5.3荷重元訊號放大與傳輸模組設計 30
3.5.4資料收集紀錄軟體之撰寫 31
3.6開發分析軟體 31
第四章 結果 32
4.1本體結構設計與荷重元選擇 32
4.2置換配件及連接器設計 37
4.2.1推/拉與指/掌壓力計 38
4.2.2握力計 39
4.2.3指夾力與握柄施力計 40
4.3荷重元訊號放大與傳輸模組設計 41
4.4開發資料收集記錄軟體 45
4.5開發資料分析軟體 46
第五章 討論 48
5.1裝置本體 48
5.2連接器及配件 49
5.3軟體 51
5.4應用範例 52
5.5未來應用 54
第六章 結論 56
參考文獻 57
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