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研究生(外文):Yin-Hsiang Lin
論文名稱(外文):Mode locked Thulium-doped nano-engineered yttrium-alumina-silica fiber lasers based on semiconductor saturable absorber mirror.
指導教授(外文):Yin-Wen Lee
外文關鍵詞:mode-locked fiber laserTm-doped fibersemiconductor saturable absorber mirror(SESAM)
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近年來,2 um波段已被證實屬於對人眼安全波段,並且水在此波段具有高吸收特性。另一方面,鎖模脈衝雷射具有高重複頻率與高峰值功率的特性,在應用上有利於提升雷射加工品質。因此結合以上特性組成的2 um鎖模雷射,廣泛的應用於精密加工、醫療與環境檢測。
本論文以半導體飽和吸收鏡(SESAM)作為飽和吸收體,製作線性腔體架構之被動式鎖模光纖雷射,此光纖雷射系統之增益介質是使用印度Mukul Chandra Paul博士所領導的中央玻璃與陶瓷研究團隊,以奈米製程的摻銩(Tm3+)釔鋁二氧化矽光纖。我們以自製的1567 nm摻鉺鐿光纖雷射作為幫浦光源,再搭配兩種反射元件組成線性共振腔,藉由改變線性共振腔之腔體反射率,來觀察被動式摻銩鎖模光纖雷射之系統斜效率,並進一步觀察在不同反射率下,鎖模雷射之特性區間與輸出波長的變化。最終可得,於光纖光柵式與光纖迴路式的架構下,分別觀測到1980 nm、1952 nm的鎖模脈衝雷射波長。在1980 nm量測到最高的斜效率18.6%,最大輸出平均功率為24mW、脈衝能量可達到2.2 nJ。
Because of the eye-safe properties and the strong water absorption, 2 um mode-lucked fiber laser sources are of big interesting in application of medicine, environmental sensing and materials processing. In this paper, We report on the development of mode-locked fiber lasers utilizing a Tm3+-doped nano-engineered yttrium–alumina(YA) silica glass fiber and a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror(SESAM). The gain fiber, produced by Dr. M. C. Paul’s group in India, presents several benefits, especially the high efficiency and low loss. The pump source is a 1567-nm lab-made double-clad Er3+ doped fiber laser. In this work, we study the mode-locked laser operation, laser slope efficiency, and output spectra under different reflectivities. Two type of cavity reflector are used. One in the fiber Bragg grating and the other is fiber loop mirror. We successfully demonstrate the potential of the novel Tm-doped yttrium–alumina–silica fiber to produce a self-starting passively mode-locked fiber laser. The highest slope efficiency of 18.6% is obtained in the laser with R=20% FBG. The maximum average output power of 24 mW in the single pulse regime, with the corresponding pulse energy of 2.2 nJ, is successfully achieved.
摘要 i
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 論文內容與章節概要 3
第二章 光纖雷射之廣論 4
2.1 雷射機制 4
2.2 光纖雷射架構 7
2.2.1 幫浦光源(pump source): 8
2.2.2 增益介質(gain medium): 9
2.2.3 共振腔(laser resonator) 11
第三章 摻銩光纖之廣論 13
3.1 摻銩二氧化矽光纖之特性 13
3.1.1 幫浦光源-793 nm & 1560 nm 14
3.2摻銩釔鋁二氧化矽光纖製造過程 15
3.3摻銩釔鋁二氧化矽光纖雷射表現 18
第四章 鎖模光纖雷射 20
4.1 鎖模原理 20
4.2 鎖模光纖雷射之機制 22
4.3 被動式鎖模光纖雷射之機制 22
4.4 半導體飽和吸收體 24
4.4.1飽和吸收體之物理機制 26
第五章 被動式鎖模光纖雷射之實驗結果 27
5.1 光纖光柵式之被動式鎖模雷射 29
5.2 光纖迴路反射鏡之被動式鎖模雷射 37
5.3 元件損耗模擬分析 47
5.4 光纖光柵式之初始特性區間 49
5.5 高摻雜銩離子光纖 51
第六章 結論與未來展望 53
6.1 實驗結果統整 53
6.2 未來與展望 55
參考文獻 57
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